MLA book report format
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Free Essays - Impatience and Disrespect in Oedipus the King (Rex) :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex
Fretfulness and Disrespect in Oedipus the King A terrible demeanor causes most battles between individuals. Individuals indicating slight by saying harmful or insane words without thoroughly considering them disturbs nearly everybody. In the play, Oedipus the King, composed by Sophocles, Oedipus was attempting to discover the killer of his forerunner, King Laius. In doing as such, Oedipus' eagerness caused fights that drew out his distrustfulness and hot-temper. Oedipus' fretfulness was outrageous during his quest for Laius' professional killer. Oedipus compromised the residents of Thebes, the city where Oedipus controlled, to approach in the event that they knew the slightest bit about the homicide of Laius. I request you, each resident of the state where I hold seat and force: oust this man-whoever he might be-never cover him, never express a word to him, never make him accomplice to your supplications, your casualties consumed to gods...(172). Oedipus was anxious to discover Laius, and in his eagerness he had no toleration for residents concealing the lawbreaker, despite the fact that the criminal was himself. Later on, Oedipus approached Tiresias, a visually impaired prophet, to help discover Laius' executioner. Oedipus was attempting to compel Tiresias to recount to the story that Tiresias was stowing away. Nothing! You, you rubbish of the earth, you'd irritate a cold demeanor! You won't talk? Nothing moves you? Out with it, once and fo r all!(178). Oedipus was so restless with Tiresias that he offended and corrupted Tiresias. Subsequent to talking with Tiresias, Oedipus had a conflict with his better half's sibling, Creon. Oedipus had announced Creon the professional killer of Laius and made the plot of Creon's alleged bad behavior. Oedipus shouted, At that point disregard me get out!(198). Oedipus would not acknowledge some other thought than Creon being the executioner, so when Creon attempted to protect himself, Oedipus developed restless and sent Creon away. Oedipus' fretfulness was the sparkle for his suspicion. Without his anxiety, Oedipus would not have bounced to such huge numbers of brutal, hostile, and suspicious ends. Oedipus' suspicion alienated him from individuals he was near. One of the fundamental instances of Oedipus' suspicion was the conversation he had with Tiresias. Oedipus thought of thoughts in his mind that Tiresias was more than what he appeared. Gracious I'll let free, I have such fierceness in me-now I see everything.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Attending a Reading by Leon Dash :: Rosa Lee Leon Dash
Rosa Lee and Leon Dash The Reading Brown Series facilitated a perusing by Leon Dash at the YMCA. Teacher Dash was conceived in 1944 in Massachusetts, yet he experienced childhood in the Bronx of New York. He functioned as an author from 1966-1968 for the Washington Post. He was likewise in the Peace Corp soon after going all through Africa. He later returned to the Washington Post and has since done examinations on different things. I made some diligently memories attempting to discover precisely where the perusing was going to occur as I strolled around the YMCA. I at long last got the guts to approach somebody and request help, the male marvel. The occasion occurred in a back room behind the kitchen. The room had four tables set up as to look like two. There were numerous seats and scarcely any individuals to fill them as I strolled in. There were a bunch of individuals in the room and generally situated around the tables set up in a V-shape from the platform. The room gradually began to fill as it came more like twelve o’clock. As I checked out the room, I saw the â€Å"bleacher section†, a lot of 12 seats to the side of the room away from the speaker almost filled. A large portion of those seats appeared to be involved by understudies who had all the earmarks of being taking notes. The remainder of the room had an odd collection of individuals. For a perusing based around the remembrance of the Brown versus Leading body of Education case, there was just a single African American in the room other than the speaker. There were numerous more established white individuals who gave the feeling that they were personnel. A couple of them and others got lunch on a plate or in a sack, apparently on their mid-day break. The room looked as though it was divided down the middle among understudies and personnel. I would figure that there were around 20 to 25 individuals in the room. The room was huge enough and had enough seating to cause it to appear as though the individuals were extremely spread out. There was next to no communication between the individuals previously and during the occasion. It appeared as if everybody was only anxious for the perusing to begin and finish.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Planning Makes A Blogger Perfect!
Planning Makes A Blogger Perfect! Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Planning Makes A Blogger Perfect!Updated On 23/04/2017Author : AshwinTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogPlanning is not just for Projects or Product Development. It is essential to make your Blog a Success. It is a key factor that helps a Blogger to be Perfect.Find out how can you Master the Art of Planning your Blog Posts, more easily than you think!What to Blog?This is typically when you brainstorm different Post Ideas. It is not unusual that your Best Post Idea comes when you are taking a stroll in the Park. Perfectly normal! Make sure to keep track of all these Blog Ideas either in a Physical Notepad or a software tool.Also, make sure that the Blog Post Idea in someway relate to your Blog Niche. It is extremely important to build a Wealth of Posts in your Blog Niche. Youll understand their value once your Blo g gets popular.How to Blog?Once you nail down on a few Blog Post Ideas you actually sit down writing posts one after another. If you are a new blogger, check this out :5 Things Every New Blogger Must KnowMake sure to keep these points in mind, when you write the post:Be clear, concise and to the pointWrite in a tone that prompts the reader to read furtherGive special attention to the Post Title and the Post Introduction. These are two key aspects that bring more readers into your Blog PostLogically group your Post into 3 sections (though you may not need to label them such) Introduction, Elaboration, ConclusionMake sure to spell check your posts and dont have any room for grammatical errorsREAD5 Mistakes Newbie Bloggers Should AvoidI recently got a copy of Problogger Scorecard, which essentially tells you all that you need to know for Perfect Blog Writing.When to Blog?Both Search Engines and Regular Readers love a Blogging Schedule. Keep a Schedule for your Blog Posts and stic k to it. It is not necessary to send out a Blog Post everyday. But maintain a frequency like 3 posts a week on Sunday/Wednesday/Friday and follow it.Thus, Planning introduces a discipline in to your Blogging and let your readers expect Posts out of your Blog. It helps you treat your Blog like a Business, that will start reaping benefits once there are more readers your way. If planning is done along with concentration in blogging, then it is a big deal.If your put diligent planning into your Blogging Process, chances are very less that your Blog cannot Rock! Let us know what you think!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Causes of Lung Cancer - 2486 Words
Discuss the causes of lung cancer Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases which make most of the people suffer. Lung cancer has been noted by the Canadian cancer Society (2010) as the most leading one which affected both male and female in 2010 and out of 24,200 Canadians, 20,600 of them died of lung cancer. Like any other types of cancer, lung cancer is basically caused due to the abnormal growth of cells in one of the body parts, lungs. Although the role of genetics is not very popular in lung cancer but the history of lung cancer in families will lead to the high risk of getting lung cancer. Moreover if they were your parents, siblings or child then the chances of getting it is more. Genetics are becoming the most†¦show more content†¦It leads to the bad health because people breathe that polluted air. The air we breathe now is dangerous because it may lead to lung cancer because of three reasons which is from the exposure of radon gas, dangerous mineral such as asbestos, air pollution, and seco nd-hand smoke. One of the problems comes from the exposure to radon gas. Radon gas is a radioactive gas which is present in the soil and it comes out from the crack on the wall or seep of the building. Usually it comes out from the granite. According to emedicine health (n.d.), radon gas is the second lead which causes lung cancer next to smoking. The gas also can be emitted from the uranium. So, this dangerous gas is very harmful to the lungs, and people are usually not aware of the existence of it. That gas is also dangerous when it was combined with smoke of cigarette and inhaled. The risk of getting lung cancer will increase since these two gases are the major cause of lung cancer. The other environmental factor is the exposure to dangerous mineral which is asbestos, and other harmful substances. Although asbestos is a natural mineral that is mined from the earth, but still it is harmful when it is inhaled. Its particles have an effect to create lung cancer. Furthermore, if the particles are combined with the cigarette smoke it will become even more harmful to lung and highly increase the risk of acquainting lung cancer. People tend to face this material during work. So, theyShow MoreRelatedLung Cancer : Causes And Effects1329 Words  | 6 PagesThe leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in the United States and worldwide is lung cancer. Lung cancer is responsible for thirty percent of cancer deaths in the United States. The deaths caused by breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer combined do not add up to the deaths that lung cancer causes. In 2007, 158,683 people, 88,243 men and 70,354 women died from lung cancer in the United States (Eldridge, 2012). Out of the 158,683 people that died from lung cancer in 2007, 135Read MoreLung Cancer : The Leading Cause Of Cancer Essay1555 Words  | 7 PagesLung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortalities in the world. An astounding average of 1.6 million deaths occur due to lung cancer yearly (1). Lung cancer is classified into two types: small cell and non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), where 85% of lung cancer cases are NSCLC. NSCLC has several different histologic subtypes, some of which are: squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma. Of the three, adenocarcinoma accounts for more than 50% of NSCLCs, makingRead MoreWhat Causes Lung Cancer?1587 Words  | 7 Pages What Causes Lung Cancer besides Smoking Many of us believe that cigarettes are main causes of Lung cancer however lung cancer can be caused by exposure to asbestos, high levels of air pollution, high levels of arsenic in drinking water, Radiation therapy to the lungs, Radon gas (radioactive gas) or Family history of lung cancer. Lung cancers it can also affect non-smokers (Secondhand smoke) as result of breathing .Every year, more people die of lung cancer than any other types of cancer such asRead MoreLung Cancer : What Causes It?1420 Words  | 6 PagesLung cancer is any type of cancer that begins in the lungs, although it is still considered lung cancer after it spreads to other parts of the body. Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the U.S. and worldwide. Forty percent of people will be diagnosed with lung cancer within their life span. Lung cancer, as with all cancers, is very complex, so the best way to comprehend it is to break it down into easily analyzed topics. The first topic that must be an alyzed is cancer as a whole-whatRead MoreCause And Effect Of Lung Cancer Essay1334 Words  | 6 Pages Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancer known throughout the world. The most common suspect of that is smoking, then what happens to the people who inhales the smokers’ smoke? Are they also at risk for developing lung cancer from being a victim? The answer to that right now is that secondhand smoke alone is just a risk factor, there are no evidence right now that currently show that secondhand smoke alone can cause lung cancer by itself. This means that we need to encourage studies that areRead MoreThe Leading Causes Of Lung Cancer1350 Words  | 6 PagesCenter September 2, 2014 The Leading Causes of Lung Cancer State Standard: 6.4.A Cancer is a disease that plagues millions of people annually (â€Å"Lung†). Lung cancer develops when healthy cells in the lungs are compromised by chemicals, pathogens, or radiation (Henderson). In the early twentieth century, before cigarette smoking and toxic man-made air pollutants became more commonplace, lung cancer was relatively rare (Henderson). It is now the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, resulting in anRead MoreCause And Effect Of Lung Cancer985 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The second leading cause of death in the United States as of 1933 is cancer .During this period advancements took place in treatment of infectious diseases such as pneumonia and influenza. Cancer, in turn, took its place and is a chronic illness that has no known cure. There are many different types of cancer that affects different parts of the body but lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in the United States . Cancer of the lungs also known as pulmonary carcinoma is caused by aRead MoreCause And Effect Of Lung Cancer1612 Words  | 7 Pagespercent. In addition, since emphysema is said to be one of the causes of lung cancer, it can be said that smoking is also related to lung cancer. As is well known, currently, there are no effective treatment for cancer. Smoking habit is the main cause of lung cancer. The probability of a smoker becoming lung cancer is said to be about ten times more than that of a non-smoker. Also, smoking hurts their own DNA, that is, the risk of lung can cer extends to offspring. There may be people who think smokingRead MoreCauses And Consequences Of Lung Cancer Essay2203 Words  | 9 PagesLung cancer has increased within the past decade; one of the biggest reasons is that more and more people smoke now than they have in the past. Smoking causes damage not only in the lungs, but also in the body, lips, or inside the mouth. Even though smoking does harm your body there are some good things that come from smoking. Such as it can lower the risk of obesity, and knee replacement surgery. There is different types of lung cancer one for smoking and the other, nonsmoking. Although peopleRead MoreCauses And Consequences Of Lung Cancer1781 Words  | 8 PagesLung Cancer? Blood Cancer? Bronchitis? COPD? All these familiar and terrifying words have one root in common- Smoking. 9 out of 10 smokers’ first smoke is at the age of 18 and 99% try it by the age of 26(Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). Each day about 4000 y ouths tries cigarettes for the first time (Haugen,2004). Even after being aware of the ill effects of the so-called ‘cool thing’, smokers cannot stop themselves after their first smoke. Teenage smoking had declined steadily from 1990
Thursday, May 14, 2020
How Media Has Become A Big Influence For Teenage Cosmetic...
Ever looked at someone and thought how could their nose be so perfect? Or any of their features? According to the AMA Journal of Ethics, â€Å"In recent years, more than 223,000 cosmetic procedures were performed on patients 18 years of age or younger, and almost 39,000 were surgical procedures such as nose reshaping, breast lifts, breast augmentation, liposuction, and tummy tucks.†Among today’s society, outside beauty and staying forever young are the newest trends. Today, a devastating amount of American teenagers choose to alter their body in order to fit the unrealistic standard of physical attractiveness created by our beauty-obsessed culture. Media has become a big influence for teenage cosmetic surgeries. Magazines, social media, and television have portrayed teens from all over to want to look like these celebrities. Teens from all over feel the pressured to look â€Å"pretty†just to fit in with the peers around them. America is known to be beauty obse ssed and as time goes on, plastic surgery will not only increase in adults but greatly in teenagers as well. On some circumstances, plastic surgery in teenagers may be appropriate, but only if it s used for necessary purposes. For example, some surgeries in little kids are needed if lets say, they had nasal problems. Rhinoplasty can actually help cure that specific problem. Nowadays, teenagers abuse the whole concept of plastic surgery because they are so pressured to look what they think society wants them to look like.Show MoreRelatedTeenagers and the Plastic Surgery Epidemic Essay1090 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"beautiful†from the media, peers and even parents. Teenagers are going to extreme lengths to reach this physical perfection, but when it comes down to it, just how far is too far? The numbers of teens going through with plastic surgery is startling and will continue to rise as America falls in to a beauty obsessed epidemic. The most drastic method used for mega alterations among teenagers is plastic surgery. There are two types of plastic surgery: reconstructive and cosmetic (Monohan). ReconstructiveRead MoreOnly 5% of women in the United States naturally posses the body type portrayed in the media.( )1100 Words  | 5 Pagesposses the body type portrayed in the media.( ) Everyday young women and teens are surrounded by media, whether its magazines, television, radio, or newspapers. The media has a big impact on our every day lives and can take a negative toll. Teens and young women look up to the women that they see and hear about in media. They see different haircuts, outfits, and different body types that influence them, and the people in charge of media know this. The media portrays dangerous and unrealistic idealsRead MoreTeen Plastic Surgery2711 Words  | 11 PagesTeen Plastic Surgery Cosmetic plastic surgery has been increasing rapidly in the medical field, and making its way to the top of the beauty spectrum when it comes to what is important. Teenagers, especially adolescent girls, have been exploring the new ways to enhance their external appearance, and not with just lipstick and eye shadow. In the past three decades, surgeons, magazine editors, and book authors have been investigating the consequences, good and bad, of having cosmetic surgery at such aRead MoreU.s. Media And Entertainment Industry Essay1785 Words  | 8 Pagesmovies and have even listened to American singers. We affect countries more than we think. United States of America has been a world super power nation since the end of world war two and has influenced many nations since. This influence has extended beyond economic and political influences. America’s influence has reached to how other countries picture beauty. This influence has been labeled as westernization. According to the dictionary of Cambridge, westernization means to fill with qualitiesRead MoreDangers Of Peer Pressure On Girls1345 Words  | 6 Pagesuse eyeshadows. (â€Å"Pretty-Pressure: Girls-it pays to be pretty, but not too pretty.†) So even though social media is showing off beautiful women to give good advertisement, girls are being affected by constantly feeling down and wanting to fit into society and be accepted and seen as perfect, they hate themselves for not being pretty enough as celebrities that have gone through many surgeries to get that perfect image, and some cases have led to issues such as depression, cutting, eating problemRe ad MoreBarbie the Teenage Fashion Doll Essay examples1212 Words  | 5 Pagesnamed Ruth Handler was watching her daughter play with dolls. In the 1950’s, girls of all ages only had paper or cardboard dolls to play with and preferred to play with cut outs of teenagers and adult dolls. So, Ruth Handler thought to make The Teenage Fashion Doll for older girls, as a three dimensional doll, called Barbie, named after her daughter Barbara (Heppermann 2010). However, Mrs. Handler met resistance when she went to her husband with the idea, and he didn’t think her idea would workRead MoreAdvertisement Is An Essential Part Of Our Social Life1248 Words  | 5 PagesAdvertisement has become an essential part of our social life: it tells us what to buy and what to reject, how to look and what to wear in order to remain in the center of attention. Underestimating the power of advertisement is illogical and selfish, it does have an immense influence on our consciousness and s ubconsciousness. It is impossible to deny that we live in the era of consumerism: we earn money to buy things that define our personality. When the creators of Apple understood it they staredRead MoreThe Role Of Plastic Surgery For Young Adults2341 Words  | 10 Pagessense of taboo when even considering plastic surgery for adults alone, let alone for young adults. Now though, when speaking of plastic surgery in the modern day and age it is part of the common culture for adults as well as young adults due to the rise in influence through celebrities, media, and pop culture. Susan Gilbert speaks of this growing change of opinion stating In the United States, 205,119 teenagers aged eighteen and younger had cosmetic interventions in 2007, up from 145,094 in 2000Read MoreEvaluate Beauty: Appearance or Inner Self1180 Words  | 5 Pagesculture. If we all had the same type of culture, cultural diversity would become nonexistent, and the world would be a very boring place. Therefore, people should be determined based on what they contribute to their culture, not by their appearance. Naheed Mustafa, a Muslim woman, wears a hijab because in their culture, it gives back women s ultimate control on their bodies. (104). According to Mustafa: Wearing the hijab has given me freedom from constant attention to my physical self. BecauseRead MoreOutline on the Effects of Reality Tv Essay examples2040 Words  | 9 PagesOutline: Research Paper: Reality TV and its influence on the younger generation I. Introduction A. Media has a huge impact on how people truly see themselves, particularly in women and young female teens. Reality television has made the standards of beauty quite high these days and there is a definite change in society’s view on what is truly beautiful. Turning off the TV has simply become too hard when it comes to reality TV shows 1. Turning into their favorite movie star is becoming
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
List Nine Elements That Directly Impact The Work...
Kelleher (1996) list nine elements that directly impact the work environment: excessive workload, inadequate time to complete the assigned task, poor supervision, uncertain organizational climate, insufficient authority to meet job responsibilities, unclear responsibilities or job functions, philosophical differences between the organization and employee, unexpected or significant change at work or at home, and unanswered or unresolved frustrations. Mental Health Employees who are angry with their manager or company, who fear an imminent termination, or who are just unhappy in a job may resort to violence. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and many state laws prohibit discrimination against employees based on actual or perceived disability. Mental illness is included within the definition of disability. It is unlawful to fire someone solely because he or she has a mental illness. An employer also must reasonably accommodate employees with disabilitiesâ€â€including those who are mentally illâ€â€to allow them to perform the essential functions of their job. But the law does not excuse misconduct. (Hoey, 2013) Employees though not to discriminate must notify an employer if they are threatened, intimidated or have fear of being in the workplace. The employer will have a reason to dismiss the violent employee must be based on objective facts, not fear or conjecture. Psychological Manners In some of my readings, the psychological mindset has been identified as a drivingShow MoreRelatedUnit 5011V1 Essay6930 Words  | 28 PagesRecruitment and selection 1 Understand the Impact of both the law and organisational procedures on the process of recruitment and selection 1.1 Summarise the legal instruments impacting on staff recruitment and selection 1.2 Identify organisational procedures and processes that affect staff recruitment and selection 1.3 Discuss fairness, objectivity and equality of opportunity as elements of recruitment and selections The major piece of legislation in the UK that impacts on staff recruitment and selectionRead MoreWorkplace Violence10377 Words  | 42 PagesCollection Process The Setting FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS Summary of Analysis Employment Process Termination Process Evaluate the Work Environment ii iii 1 3 4 8 9 9 10 13 15 18 18 19 22 23 24 25 27 iii Intervention Programs Education and Training Security Measures CONCLUSION Recommendation Additional Research APPENDICES Comprehensive list of Prevention Plan Elements Interview Instrument Behavior Risk-Incident Narrative (See original text) REFERENCES 28 32 34 35 36 37 38 40 45 52 Read MoreEquipped for Efficiency: Improving Nursing Care Through Technology12192 Words  | 49 PagesAdministration with Bar Coding Electronic Clinical Documentation Interactive Patient Technologies IV. Summary Appendices: A: Interviewees B: Vendors Endnotes ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼24 25 28 ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼ I. Introduction new teCHnologies Have tHe potential to Create a better work environment for inpatient nurses by improving the efficiency, safety, and quality of care. Advances include wireless communications, real-time location systems, delivery robots, workflow management systems, wireless patient monitoring, electronic medicationRead MoreDescribe How to Establish Respectful Professional Relationships with Adults52870 Words  | 212 PagesKingdom Construction Industry Final Report July 1994  © Crown copyright 1994 Applications for reproduction should be made to HMSO First published 1994 ISBN 0 11 752994 X Designed by Design, Drawing and Print Services DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT Foreword Constructing the Team ................................................. v Executive Summary ..............................................vii Chapter One Introduction and the Role ofClients ...............................Read MoreOperational Risk Management50825 Words  | 204 PagesAlternative Standardized Approach 4.3.7 Critical Assessment of the Standardized Approach and the Alternative Standardized Approach 4.4 Advanced Measurement Approaches 4.4.1 General 4.4.2 Qualifying Criteria 4.4.3 Recognition of the Risk-Mitigating Impact of Insurance and other Risk Transfer Mechanisms 5 Contents 4.4.4 Application of AMAs on a Group-Wide Basis 4.4.5 Authorization of AMAs by Competent Authorities 4.4.6 Partial Use of Several Operational Risk Approaches 4.4.7 Critical AssessmentRead MoreProject Management Infomaton System48477 Words  | 194 Pageswealth of information on every aspect of our work. We are by essence an organization that creates vast amounts of data, information and knowledge. We are an organization rich in methodologies, practices, implementation strategies, work methods and experiences. But at the same time we are a poor organization in terms of managing these vast wealth of resources. Every day CARE projects discover and apply new methods, practices and experiences in their work. All this knowledge stays isolated from theRead MoreSSD2 Module 3 Notes22142 Words  | 89 Pagescommander approves it. 4. TRAIN AS YOU WILL FIGHT Training for missions under an expected operational environment Understand the cultures in which you will operate; foreign cultures, non-Army cultures as those in other Services and government agencies Replicate cultural settings as much as possible during training Train as you will fight means training under an expected operational environment for the mission. It also means adjusting the levels of intensity and complexity to improve unit and leaderRead MoreCNPC CSR report25861 Words  | 104 PagesCorporation About the Report This is China National Petroleum Corporation’s seventh annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report since 2006. This report accurately represents what we did in 2012 to honor our commitments to the economy, the environment and society. It is important that we provide the following information: Reporting company: China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Alternative reference: China National Petroleum Corporation is also referred to in this report as â€Å"CNPC†, Read MoreThe Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism in a Selected Field Services Section Within an Electricity Utility in the Western Cape31415 Words  | 126 PagesCOMMERCE IN THE FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WESTERN CAPE NOVEMBER 2005 SUPERVISOR: Mr Karl Heslop 1 ABSTRACT Absenteeism - employees not showing up for work when scheduled - can be a major problem for organisations. As pressures increase on the budgets and competitiveness of companies, more attention is being given to reduce workplace absenteeism and its cost. Most research has concluded that absence isRead MorePrinciples of Management: MCQ31501 Words  | 127 Pages______________. a. assembly lines b. work denomination c. division of labor d. greatest common factor of work (c; challenging; p. 28) 34. Which of the following was a major result of the Industrial Revolution? a. cottage industry b. water power c. factory manufacturing d. critical thinking (c; challenging; p. 29) SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 35. Frederick Taylor performed most of his work in _______________. a. grape vineyards
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Letter to child about personal success free essay sample
I am writing this letter in a hope that we will meet one day in the future. At this state I am a seventeen year old high school student. I have been given an assignment to write to my future child about personal success. To let you know right here at the beginning of my letter, I really believe that being a good parent is a sign of personal success. At this point I am not sure if I want to have a boy or a girl but I am certain that I have every intention of being a pillar of strength and support for my child. I know some people in their thirties that do not want to have children and I must say that I admire them for recognizing that parenting is not what they desire in their life. Do not let this contradiction confuse you. Knowing yourself and accepting yourself is a great success! As a seventeen year old teenager it is not easy to write about success especially to a future child. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter to child about personal success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My values and beliefs may change in the process of growing up – however I will try to honestly and truthfully describe my idea of being successful in life. I am convinced that first step to personal success takes place in your thought. It is important to believe in yourself and decide what important things that you desire are. My mom was determined to put a writing on the wall in my room that spells â€Å"go confidentially in the direction of your dreams†. She says that only limits to your dreams are those that you place in your mind. The more I think about it the more I agree. When I look at myself in the mirror I realise that the person staring back at me is the only person responsible for my personal success. I need to figure out my desires and learn to visualize them and work hard on developing plans how to achieve my desires. I have to fill my mind with positive thoughts and give my self-affirmation. This sounds very easy but let me tell you something my child, it is very complicated. Especially for a seventeen year old who changes his mind about everything quite frequently including his desires. All of us want to succeed in life, to accomplish something, to feel that we â€Å"won†. Some people see success in having a loving family, others in having a job that pays a six figure salary. Some people see success in stuff they own. At this point you are probably wondering what success means to me. A big bank balance might be nice to look at but I believe that it can never replace the love of family and friends or the sense of satisfaction gained by doing the work you enjoy doing. I believe that there is no single definition of personal success. Success is about living your best life and only you can say what that means. Defining personal success is up to you my child. I have intention of reading you this letter once you are my age. I honestly hope that my definition of success will not change since I am quite proud of my idea of success right now. So, my advice to you is to be open, honest, and true to yourself. Find what motivate you and go boldly after your desires. Your loving father, Name
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