Wednesday, July 31, 2019
How does the filming help to make ‘The Shining’ an exceptional Horror movie? Essay
Stanley Kubrick a.k.a. â€Å"The Master Filmmaker,†was born on July 26, 1928 in the Bronx, New York City. By age 13 he had developed passions for jazz, drumming, chess and photography. In 1951 at 23 years of age, Kubrick used his savings to finance his first film, a 16-minute documentary short about boxer Walter Cartier. On March 7th, 1999, Stanley Kubrick died in his sleep of a heart attack. He was 70 years old. The Shining is a typical example of the horror genre because it works by arousing irrational fear. Stanley Kubrick uses step down imagery to make the terror in the horror, controlled and not too over whelming for the audience, to make it seem more believable. The horror is a paradox because it presents a vision of terror to the audience but the audience try to fight everything the director is trying to achieve by telling themselves that, ‘it is just a movie, its not real, you can’t scare me.’ The Shining was based on Stephen King’s third published novel, which became a best seller upon its release in 1977. What also makes The Shining such an exceptional horror movie is the way Stanley Kubrick keeps the horror hidden from the audience and like most good horror films, there is always a sense of the supernatural, good vs. evil and a sense of isolation. Personally I feel that the Shining is a typical horror film because it’s a situation where the victims are isolated from the outside world and there is a mad man or something out of the ordinary killing them, which is true of most horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street, The Ring, Signs, Jeepers Creeper’s 1 and 2 and Dracula. The camera at the start of the film is moving over a huge mountain pass. We are shown a tiny Volkswagen car driving down a road, the film has many of the most beautiful, atmospheric cinematography, by John Alcott. This scene gives the impression of man’s vulnerability, when seen against the massive powers of nature – a sense of ‘the other’ is also created here by the aerial photography – a dark power looking down on the tiny ‘beetle’. Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) is attending a job interview for the position of a winter caretaker at The Overlook Hotel, located in the rockies of Colorado, built on an Indian burial ground. At the beginning of this film Jack conducts himself as a calm, charming man. He goes for the interview looking smart wearing a collar and a tie, shaven and looking very confident. During his interview the camera is films from behind Jack, making it seem as though someone or something is watching Jack – a sense of the ‘other’ and there are some frontal shots in which the background is peach, soft and warm. This presents a comforting, secure atmosphere. As the movie builds up we begin to release that the Overlook Hotel is not just any other normal Hotel but haunted although the horror is kept hidden from us we just see parts of the supernatural, although as we discover through the movie that this is much more than a mere haunted house tale. One of the things that makes it so interesting is that it shows a wide variety of elements that lead to Jack’s insanity to the point that we are left with the question on our minds whether it really was the house that leads to Jack’s insanity or the isolation for six months, so far from the outside world or Jack’s own psychological make-up or even reincarnation. We are also told very early in the film, that the hotel has something of a ‘history,’ in summary, some years previously, a crazed-psycho (the ex-caretaker) killed his wife and two children by chopping them up into small pieces with an axe! But once the family settle into the caretaker lifestyle it turns out that Torrance’s wife does most of the ‘caretaking’ while her grouchy husband seeks inspiration for a novel he is writing. At first everything goes well but as time goes by, he gets increasingly frustrated with his failure to write and takes it out on his wife (Shelly Duvall). Slowly, Jack begins to change he becomes pale, his clothes become rougher looking more like a labourer and becomes more and more irritable & malevolent towards both his wife and son. In the background, their son played by Danny Lloyd also starts having problems of his very own when he starts receiving psychic visions (E.S.P) of twin girls who were murdered a couple of years ago by their father who was also the caretaker at the Hotel and there are warnings from Tony of ‘redrum’ which spells murder when you read it backwards. It is clear that both Jack and Danny have some form of psychic gift as they are both able to pick-up the Hotel’s own psychic emissions of the horrors that it has seen. The down side is that the visions end up making Jack, go insane. Throughout the movie, the camera follows the action like someone is watching (presence in the Hotel) and there is always a sense of claustrophobia, For example when Danny is cycling in the corridors and he meets the two murdered girls, the camera when he meets them zooms to his face then back to the girls four times and gets closer with each shot then a close up again to Danny then a close up of the girls’ dead bodies four times but not for long so that the audience probably would not find it sickening. We know that the twin girls are ghosts because there is an axe on the floor and blood, and when talking to Danny they use repetition, â€Å"Come and play with us, for ever and ever and ever†which is the Lord’s Prayer. After that scene Jack sees a vision of a lift and when the doors open blood flows like a river, Personally I felt that this was technically clever because it emphasis on the horror aspect. The scariest moment in the movie is when Jack has gone completely insane and is trying to â€Å"correct†his wife and son because he had no real idea what his job as the caretaker there was really till Mr Grady (ex-caretaker) had told him to kill his family because they were trying to damage the house and that his son had brought a coloured cook into the house, the climax of the scariest point is when Jack says â€Å"Here’s Johnny†which was rated scariest horror scene out of hundred horror films. This is clever as it uses comedy to make the tragedy seem even more horrific. The end scene is a shot of Jack, frost-bitten and dead in the snow apparently hours later, is a satisfying and scary ending. But Stanley Kubrick delivers an ultimate conclusion, which Stephen King could never have achieved in his novel. The haunting music begins again, the camera sweeps to a framed photo on the wall, and we see a portrait of a ballroom party from decades ago. After the camera zooms in thrice, Jack is seen in the centre of the photo, and the caption reads, â€Å"Overlook Hotel, 1921.†This caption indicates that Jack, or at least his spirit, has always been present in the Overlook Hotel. Kubrick brilliantly arranges each shot in the film so that the viewer is easily drawn into the story. There is no single scene, shot, or camera angle, which does not denote a deeper meaning or have symbolic value. This movie is perhaps Stanley Kubrick’s greatest work. I feel that this movie could not have had a better cast, and there is nowhere else in the world where this movie could have been set. I feel that Jack Nicholson’s performance in The Shining was absolutely stunning. I also feel that without Jack Nicholson, â€Å"The Shining†would have been just another haunted house film. Jack Nicholson’s depiction of a man teetering on the brink of insanity was brilliant. We watch in terror as the insanity slowly settles in and exploding fiercely into this man, transforming him from one who is trying to repair his fragile family life into a stark raving lunatic bent on destroying everything he loves. It is truly a magical movie experience. So I feel that The Shining really is the greatest horror movie ever made.
The Critical Thinker and Culture
The Critical Thinker and Culture R. Steve Terry American Sentinel University BSN 43611-A May 30, 2011 Margaret Lowenthal Abstract Using the textbook: Rubenfeld, M. G. & Scheffer, B. K. (2010). Critical Thinking Tactics for Nurses: Achieving the IOM Competencies, 2nd Ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN 978-0-7637-6584 Using the checklist in Box 3-2, reflect on your culture and how it might affect your critical thinking habits of the mind. Then think of someone you work with who comes from a culture different from yours. Think of a patient from a different culture. How do you think those persons would answer the questions? Introduction: Taken directly from my first paper, â€Å" â€Å". Thinking as a Critical Thinker Critical thinking is something we do every day in our nursing jobs, and yet we don't put names to the parts and pieces of just what it is we are doing while making those decisions. Reading the first two chapters of our text book has opened my eyes, not only to what I do on a daily basis, but has given me insight on how to breakdown the process of critical thinking into manageable parts, with definitions for each phase. This breakdown of the process will not only help me in my day-to-day duties but will also help me communicate the process more easily to my peers. Now what would happen to the critical thinker when you add his or her cultural aspects to the way they put together and analyze their information gathered as that critical thinker? Do you think the influences of one’s upbringing may enhance or impair critical thinking in the nursing field? Let’s start out by investigating my culture of youth where I was born into the Appalachian area of West Virginian. Appalachian Culture Appalachian is a land of high mountains and green forests, abundant springs and rivers, varied plants, animal and bird life. Its Cumberland range is big coal mining country. Its farms are traditionally small operations. The area to which you will be traveling is one of rich history and tradition (Commission on Religion of Appalachia, 1992). Being brought up in West Virginia, I have many memories of a style of living that my grandparents and their parents taught me about. One of the funniest traditions we have is a distrust of doctors. Where I’m from in South Central, West Virginia, people only go to the hospital to die. It’s my belief that this came about because most people from the hills only made it to the hospital at the last stages of disease so it was felt it was the last place to go before one dies. And this is not just in West Virginia it’s in all the Appalachian area. The geographic boundaries of Appalachia include portions of 13 states, reaching from southern New York to northern Mississippi. It contains 398 counties in the following states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. West Virginia is the only state that the region completely covers. The region is rural and urban, rich and poor (Frank S. Riddel, ed, 1984). Process of Learning Trust If you had asked me what critical thinking was before today, I would have probably explained in terms that resembled the nursing process, because that is what I have been educated about for eighteen years; but, don’t think it’s been easy for me. On the contrary, because of my cultural upbringing and the distrust in medicine that has long plagued not only Appalachia but my family as well, it was very difficult in the beginning of my nursing career to learn the subtle truths about creating a â€Å"trust†atmosphere between myself and members of my cultural community. According to Rubenfield and Sheffer, â€Å"critical thinking is the metaphorical bridge between information and action†(Rubenfield & Scheffer, 2010). That’s exactly what it has been for me, a bridge to bring trust to members of my community. One of the biggest areas of difference in Appalachia and most other cultural areas is the distrust of anything that is outside of the community (Frank S. Riddel, ed, 1984). I believe as a critical thinker that knowing this has helped me understand how to communicate trust to this community and by knowing first the culture of my community it has helped me discern area’s that I can control and areas that I cannot. I know to use the habits of confidence and perseverance to reckon with my community to build trust, because these are areas that my culture see’s as important, although they live in present tense at most times, I feel that I can help them understand, â€Å"the tomorrow†, if not getting treatment today type of concept. Conclusion Culture is just one of many aspects one must consider before jumping to any conclusions about communication. This is also true about critical thinking. This is why flexibility, open-mindedness and perseverance are such import parts of the Critical Thinking habits of the mind. Without them we may decide to just give up because we don’t understand why someone may not understand our end goals and why we want to help them. References Commission on Religion in Appalachia, â€Å"Economic transformation: The Appalachian Challenge†(Knoxville, TN C. O. R. A. , 1992). Frank S. Riddel, ed. , â€Å"Appalachia: Its People, Heritage and Problems†(Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1984), xi. Rubenfeld, M. G. & Scheffer, B. K. (2010). Critical Thinking Tactics for Nurses: Achieving the IOM Competencies, 2nd Ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Struggle of Assata Shakur
Asset Shaker is a very strong and determined individual that refused to give up her beliefs and ideas to receive her freedom. When she was incarcerated, treated like an animal, beaten to a bloody pulp and lost all basic human rights, she only grew more stronger and determined. Shaker was a political prisoner and suffered because of her Black Panther & Black Liberation Army affiliation. She spent six years in prison for crimes that she was not proven to have done or had any connection to.Most people would have given up and â€Å"sold out†to get their freedom back, she didn't because she simply took it back! Shaker's life changed dramatically on the night of May 2, 1973 on the New Jersey Turnpike when Caddy Mali Shaker, Sundials Coli and her car was stopped because â€Å"of a taillight. †After an altercation between Caddy Shaker and Trooper Harper, shots were fired which left Trooper Forester and Caddy Shaker dead, Asset Shaker and Trooper Harper wounded. Shaker's autob iography does a great Job detailing the event. Shaker described the experience saying â€Å"Caddy was dead.My mind knew that Caddy was dead. The air was like cold glass. Huge bubbles rose and burst. Each one felt like an explosion in my chest. My mouth tasted like blood and dirt. The car spun around me and something like sleep overtook me. In the background I could hear what sounded like gunfire. But I was fading and dreaming. †(Asset 3) She was beaten very badly during the ordeal. The officer's were very brutal towards her because they knew she was involved in the Black Panther Party and wanted information out of her. â€Å"Where did they go?†¦Pitch you'd better open your goddamn mouth or I'll blow your goddamn head off†(Asset 3) was how these officers talked to her. She doesn't say a word. This is another example of her showing her resilience in an adverse time. She was in tremendous amount of pain. Shaker said â€Å"l felt myself being dragged by the feet ac ross the pavement. My chest was on fire. My blouse was purple with blood. I was convinced that my arm had been shot off and was hanging inside my shirt by a few strips of flesh. I could not feel it. †(Asset 3) Eventually the ambulance came and got Shaker.She tried to speak but only bubbled at the mouth. She blacked out during the ride to the hospital. She gets to the hospital where she is interrogated by every person that is around her. The police felt that her capture could lead to the capture of many other African American political leaders if she cooperated with authorities. If these leaders were captured, that would be a serious blow to the movement. Asset sat handcuffed to a bed as detective after detective asked questions about the Black Liberation Army. She said â€Å"Detectives and more detectives. Questions and more Questions†¦Now they want to know about the Black Liberation Army: how big is it; what cities is it in;who is in it, etc. ,etc. †(Asset 8) If Shaker talked, that may have lead to the end of the BLAB or Black Panther Party because the FBI and CONTINENTS was desperate for the end of these groups. The purpose of CONTINENTS (Counter Intelligence Program) was to infiltrate, discredit and disrupt any domestic political organization (such as BLAB or the Black Panther Party). It was lead by the FBI and played a critical role during this time period. The information that Shaker could have given the FBI could have lead to the destruction of these organizations.But Shaker remained uncooperative throughout her stay in the hospital and even during her indictment. She did not say anything bout her party or its members, nor the activities of the groups. Her time in the hospital became better as her body healed and the abuse from the officers stopped. A short time later Shaker was transported from the hospital to Middlesex County jail. â€Å"It seemed like the middle of the night†¦ A wheelchair was waiting for me. I figured they w ere taking me to Jail†said Shaker describing the experience. (Asset 45) Shaker's status as a political activist would affect her greatly in prison.The federal authorities wanted Shaker isolated from all the other prisoners because they did not ant her to spread her â€Å"radical†ideas to any of the other prisoners which could possibly result in a revolt. Her cell was isolated from all the other prisoners and was patrolled by guards at all times. In prison, Shaker was subjected to the nihilistic ideas that she encountered on the outside. During this time blacks were treated as lower class citizens. Society wanted to keep African Americans in the same ghettos and isolate us from the nicer neighborhoods (domestic colonialism).They did this by racial profiling (Asset Shaker's arrest on the turnpike), police highly populating certain areas and raising ricers to live in certain areas. These methods create a sense of self-worthlessness inside of a person which often lead to crime. This trend often leads to African Americans being arrested and incarcerated. Once in prison, the system has now taken the little power that the person once had (the right to vote, speak etc. ) The prisoner now becomes more like property, which is Just like slavery in a sense because prisoners perform labor for â€Å"free†. Shaker and her party took a different approach to the nihilistic feeling.They wanted to fight the oppressor and take what they deserved. This is why the BLAB and Black Panther Party was so feared by the government. Government knew that these groups carried an â€Å"any means necessary mentality which meant that they would use violence if needed. Conservatism was the belief that many government officials believed during this time period. They did not want the the social or political structure of society to change. This is where the conflict occur. African Americans were not receiving equal treatment which means that if society were to remain the same African Americans would always be second-rate citizens.Black people shared a liberal view in the sense hat liberty and equality for all. The liberal view was the driving force behind every African American group or movement for equality/ civil rights. Shaker would remain in prison for six years bouncing from correctional facility to correctional facility as authorities tried to make it as inconvenient as possible for her and her loved ones. She was eventually able to escape from prison and currently lives in Cuba in isolation, but many political prisoners like her are unable to escape. Often these people remain in prison for very long periods of times because of their beliefs.Shaker would have been the same way but she was fortunate enough to escape. These people have great pride and integrity because they are willing to withstand any abuse or consequence they might receive for doing what they believe is right. Shaker is one of those special people and her story shows it. Shaker's story Asset documented her life and experiences very accurately and allowed for the reader to relate to her experiences. I was able to view her as an overall person and not Just an political leader. Her childhood stories in certain chapters showed her more as a normal, everyday person.While her stories of her arrest or stay in prison show how strong of a woman she really was. Shaker was a truly extraordinary person. Many people would have crumbled under the circumstances she endured. She fought social injustices, cultural struggles and economic forces. Her upbringing was a pure example of the life of most people. Blacks were compressed in certain communities where crime and drugs were often used as temporary outlets to a better world, but Shaker chose a different path. She chose to be an leader in the community and fight for civil rights.She did not settle for Ewing the victim, she played the cards she were dealt and tried the best she could. The ironic part about everything is the same problems that she encountered back then, exist today. The Tramway Martin case shows how race has not changed much in this country. White Society viewed this small woman Asset Shaker like a huge criminal, Just like society wants to paint the picture that an unarmed Bibb black male could harm an armed white man. Shaker legacy and deeds did help African Americans, but the Tramway Martin case (along with countless others) make you ask â€Å"how much? â€Å".
Monday, July 29, 2019
WE 7 CRJ 546 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
WE 7 CRJ 546 - Essay Example hin the reach of criminals with ill intentions, and that the institutions charged with public security must modernize their capabilities to ensure that they are equal to the task. As rightly noted by Costa in his very able analysis, the question as to whether autopsies are part of public records or are confidential medical records bear heavy balancing, with the interests of the victim and the family and the public’s right to know the truth pulling in very opposite direction. The fact of the matter is there isn’t affirmative answer on both ends, for the press are but fact-checkers and verifiers to governmental action, and thus deserves access. Even so, there remains the catch of gruesome photos getting into the wrong hands, and that right to privacy may well serve as the best decisional choice. Either way, there is a loss. However, the wishes of the victim and the immediate family override that of public, must always take precedence in decisional choices. To begin with, even the very fundamental laws of the land, The Bill of Rights, have limits, and the confidentiality of autopsy photos should not be any different. That while the interest of both parties at stake should respected as per the law, the law is but a standard double edged sword and thus should be able to be seen at work in justice delivery. That while the public’s right to know is indeed fundamental, the ultimate decision to make autopsy photos public is in itself a private choice protected under the same laws. Accordingly, not every photo has to be public. Like it was in the last decade, however, privacy remains critical even in the age of expansive technology irrespective of high the profile of a case is contrary to Chelsea’s assertions. As Jenifer rightly notes, autopsy photographs are best utilized in courtrooms to prove or disprove arguments on both sides of the divide. Irrespective of how they are used, Judges have a solemn duty to deliver justice, and such lies, albeit in part, in the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Civil Liability and Private Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Civil Liability and Private Police - Essay Example The concept of having a police force is based on the concept of prevention of crime, because at the end of the day prevention is better than cure or punishment. The role and duties of the police forces across the globe are somewhat all the same, however, their authority and power to implement and prevent crimes is variable. For instance some countries like Iceland, New Zealand and Norway do not allow the police sergeants or other personnel to carry fire arms. Policing was essentially a matter administered by the governments or the states, and therefore the police forces were known as public police, because police was paid from the taxes submitted by the taxpayers (Pastor, 2003, pp. 6-7). Policing is apparently the duty of public police that is under the control of the state; however, there are other bodies that can also contribute towards maintenance of law and order, protecting private property, and safeguarding individuals. This kind of police force is controlled or owned by non-governmental entities, which find themselves under threat or feel insecure for their property. Over the last few decades, there has been an enormous shift in the employment of private police. Currently, the number of private security official exceeds the number of persons present in the federal police force. There are several factors that have contributed towards this transformation (Sklansky, 1998, p. 1170). The increasing rate of crime, threat of terrorism, corruption in the public sector, and the increase in the private property are the main reasons for the rapid expansion of private police in the United States of America after 9/11 (Enion, 2009, p. 521). The ever increasing crime rate in America and other parts of the world indicate the inefficiency of the public sector in providing security to the people. Moreover, public police is perhaps regarded as one of the most corrupted department under the executive command. Despite, being the first line
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Recruitment and Selection of Talented Staff (Tesco) Dissertation
Recruitment and Selection of Talented Staff (Tesco) - Dissertation Example Tesco, one of the largest retailers and largest private employer in the UK, have lost market share and company reputation in recent times due to high employee turnover. They expect to add 20,000 UK but it is not known to what extent they have a structured recruitment and selection process. With the aim to evaluate if retailers align the recruitment and selection of talent with their corporate strategy, three research objectives were stated. The study concludes that Tesco has not given focus to employee recruitment and retention in their corporate strategy. Their corporate strategy focuses on brand building as they have been suffering from an adverse brand image. While Tesco is proactive in the recruitment process they do not employ informal methods of recruitment. Corporate strategies reflect long-term workforce strategy and direct the recruitment and selection policy but this has not found to be valid in the case of Tesco. SMART recommendations have been made which would help Tesco reduce employee turnover. Employee recruitment has been the focus of research by many scholars and there has been an increase in the variety of recruitment topics (Breaugh, 2008) thereby suggesting that recruitment is a critical function of the HRM. Esbjerg, Buck and Grunert (2010) are of the opinion that human resources management (HRM) practices of retailers has not been the focus of researchers although larger retailers face several challenges in managing the work force. The success of the organizations depends upon their ability to tap into the talent and skills of their employees. This requires a holistic approach to recruitment and the selection process. Human resources are now considered valuable capital, valuable assets that should be motivated and retained in the organization. However, this implies that the recruitment and selection of the right people with the right skills in the right position would make the difference between success and failure of an organization (HRMID 2005). Recruitment is no more based on the traditional approach of personnel management. It has undergone tremendous changes due to globalization,
Friday, July 26, 2019
Definition Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Definition Argument - Essay Example The thought of a private word used in my generation is awesome. If an older person gets online, they will not know what woot means. The term "w00t" (pronounced, and sometimes spelled, "woot"; IPA pronunciation: [wuË t]) is a slang interjection used to express happiness or excitement, most often expressed via the Internet. (Wikipeida 2006) An interjection similar to "YAYE!" or "Woohoo!" used to express joy or excitement, usually about some kind of accomplishment. Primarily used by gamers, spreading rapidly to anyone who chats online. (URBAN dictionary 2006) The current-day use of the word w00t stems from hackers in the early to mid 80s.While communicating with each other groups of hackers such as Razor1911 would need lingo which nobody else would be able to understand to express milestones in their hacking. One such milestone was gaining root access, but the term rooted or "gained root access" was easily understood so the term was changed to w00t to help disguise. Because of the difficulty of "rooting" many times the term w00t would be much in a celebratory tone. It later evolved to simply be a celebratory remark rather than a hacking milestone. (URBAN Dictionary 2006) One game on the Internet is â€Å"World of Warcraft†. I enjoy playing this game. Whenever someone wins, they furiously typed woot. Even though at first I did not know what it meant, I would reciprocate. Eventually woot has become part of my online vocabulary. Woot became a word with meaning to me. Even if it is not in the dictionary, woot is real to me. That makes it a word to me, but not everyone plays games online. The reason I chose and like woot is its conveyance of my exact emotion, even though it is absent from the dictionary. How do you explain the ecstasy of defeating unseen people on the Internet? I know all of my friends’ screen names, but most I only know online. That feeling cannot be articulated by the â€Å"real world’s†dictionary. All of gamers my age use this
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Aiding the Management of Change Research Proposal
Aiding the Management of Change - Research Proposal Example A survey conducted in 2002 (Online Executives 2006) highlighted that the main driver for change was increased competition, however, most domestic businesses have adapted to this by adopting similar processes and acquiring the necessary technology. However, in 2006, the survey was repeated and found that the main driver for change was the desire to increase efficiency. This is indicative of an environment that is becoming difficult to control and predict and has made planning and strategy on a short term basis. The need for efficiency is not confined to one industry but rather applies to all businesses, and this has resulted in a number of change management initiatives that are designed to increase efficiency, reduce costs, restructure the organization, and become more competitive and to make the business more innovative. However, by increasing efficiency, reducing costs and restructuring the organization, most businesses are directly impacting on employees as these drivers will have a negative impact on jobs. These drivers often result in redundancies and the key to a successful change management initiative will lie in an organization’s ability to handle and communicate with its employees (Chin and Benne 1968). Failure to communicate and implement change management to employees will make the initiative susceptible to failure through reduced morale from the remaining employees (Chin and Benne 1968, Scott 20,05), which in turn will affect the manner in how customers are treated, which in turn will affect the organizations' competitiveness. This implies that change management is not about changing physical attributes, but rather it is about managing the process of it, which includes people management. This paper will briefly look at the factors responsible for both successful and disastrous change management initiatives, and it will also look at how culture and commitment, leadership and downsizing can be managed for change.
UK Regulatory Framework for Corporate Governance Dissertation
UK Regulatory Framework for Corporate Governance - Dissertation Example They have to rely on the directors’ judgement in running the company. If the information were freely available to all the firm’s stakeholders at the same time, there wouldn’t have been a need for corporate governance. Therefore, the need of corporate governance has arisen in order to facilitate an effective, prudent and entrepreneurial management, which can deliver long run success of the firm (FRC, 2010, p.1). It is a mechanism as to how the vision and values of the firm are set by the board of the firm distinguished from the regular operational management of the firm by its executives. Corporate governance defines the relationship between various stakeholders such as shareholders, directors, management, employees, creditors, suppliers, customers, government, and regulators, and ensures accountability, integrity and transparency (Mead & Sagar, 2006, p.334). 1.1.1 Aims & Objectives This paper aims to explain the effectiveness of the corporate governance framework by which UK companies are regulated. The effectiveness of the corporate governance practices has been analyzed through the understanding the development of UK’s Combined Code on corporate governance. 1.1.2 Scope of the Paper In order to achieve this paper’s aims and objectives, guidelines of FRC over the Combined Code has been carefully analyzed. The analysis of the effectiveness of corporate governance code has been done on the basis of research papers previously published in the related field. The first section of the paper reviews the literature explaining UK corporate governance code, development of the corporate governance code and practices since 1992, and link between audit assurance and corporate governance. The second section presents the research methodology. The third section presents the findings on the effectiveness of the evolved combined code of corporate governance. This followed by the discussion and conclusion. 2 Chapter 2 2.1 Literature Review 2.1.1 Corporate Governance Codes The Corporate Governance Code in UK is founded on ‘comply or explain’ approach (FRC, 2010, p.4). The approach requires that the companies should comply with the Code and if it is unable to comply with any particular aspect of the Code then it should explain in its financial disclosures. The approach is widely accepted and appreciated by the corporations. The Code does not provide rigid rules but consists of principles and provisions. Compliance with the principles and reporting the same to the shareholders is required under the Listing Rules. The principles given in the Code are as follows: Leadership: Every Company should have an effective board that is collectively responsible for the success of the company. Responsibilities of running the board and running the company’s operations should be clearly defined and divided. The powers of decision should not be fettered to single person. The chairman of the board is responsible for leadin g the board and for oversight of the workings of management. The non-executive board members should challenge and assist develop the proposals on
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 27
Discussion - Coursework Example One example of incidences of groupthink in workplaces is the financial malpractices. Financial department falls prey of groupthink by engaging in unethical malpractices that lead to losses in the Airline industries. It is argued that groupthink influenced the Foolhardy Risks that was characterized by heinous scandalous behavior. Groupthink can be addressed through professional awareness of the psychological phenomenon of the problem. Therefore, through awareness workers are encouraged to outline their individual decisions rather than offering unanimous decisions on decisions. These strategies ensure that unethical decisions are rectified before the group agrees them. For example, a decision to spend $10 billion on buying more aircraft by the American Airlines would require an analysis of the cost benefit of the venture. Individual decisions would offer different analysis from different perspective of group members. Thus, combinations of the ideas and ethical views minimize the problem of groupthink in organization
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Role of the Environment Agency in the Improvement of UK Essay
The Role of the Environment Agency in the Improvement of UK Air-Quality - Essay Example Its mission, as outlined in its Corporate Plan 2011-2015, is to protect and improve the environment and make it a better place for people and wildlife. Specific goals include: 1. to reduce the risks to people and properties from flooding; 2. ensure adequate supply of water; 3. protect air, land and water quality and apply environmental standards within which industry can operate; 4. reduce climate change; and, 5. help people and wildlife to adapt to its consequences (EA, 2011, p.2). As cited in the above mission and goals, one of the tasks of the Environment Agency is to ensure air quality in the country. This is the main focus of this research. This paper will examine whether the Environment Agency is effective in achieving its objectives in terms of the air quality standards in the United Kingdom. The Role of the Environment Agency According to Hopwood, Unerman and Fries (2010, p.22), the Environment Agency is one body that can exert pressure on central government on issues of sust ainability. This is also evident in the breadth of jurisdiction as well as the strength of authority given to the agency in addressing environmental issues. ... According to Wolf (2010, p.28), these tasks include: a) the bureaucratic task of processing paperwork relating to the issue of licences/permits to pollute and notices to take action regarding pollution problem identified by the regulator; and, b) policing compliance with the relevant licences/permits, notices and other regulatory control, which involves the regulator in monitoring and enforcement roles. These requirements were satisfied with the creation of the Environment Agency, tasked to oversee the protection of the environment as a whole and unified the regulatory powers that cover the air, land, and water. Based on the above factors, one can assume that the agency has the power to make meaningful changes in areas within its scope. Air Quality Objectives In order to evaluate the performance of the Environment Agency specific to air pollution, it is important to outline the objectives it has been working to achieve in this area. These objectives are contained in the larger Air Qu ality Strategy, mandated by The Environment Act of the 1995, which created the Environment agency. The strategy was finally drafted and adopted in 1997 and it contained standards, objectives and measures for improving ambient air quality (DEFRA, 2007, p.9). The strategy has undergone several modifications such as those introduced in 2003, which tightened several of its objectives and added newer ones. The most updated was the strategy released in 2007, which outlined the following objectives: the government will ensure that all citizens have access to outdoor air without significant risk to their health; the standards for setting objectives are set purely with regard to scientific and medical evidence
Monday, July 22, 2019
Barack Obamas Presidential Campaign Speech in Berlin Essay Example for Free
Barack Obamas Presidential Campaign Speech in Berlin Essay The current president of the United States, Barack Obama, once gave a speech during his electoral campaign to a massive crowd in Berlin. Of course, while such a campaign speech is evidently associated with political endeavors, it would still be appropriate to point out that the speech supposedly serves a purpose to unify nations and to rebuild past alliances for a single cause which is to prevent as well as resolve emerging worldwide concerns. Given such context though, it is still evident that a number of propaganda techniques have been employed so as to gain and strengthen public support. One of the most apparent propaganda techniques which Obama utilized was the plain folk appeal. To further explain, throughout his speech, Obama noted and highlighted that he presents himself not as an electoral candidate but rather as a concerned citizen of the world just like the individuals before him (The Huffington Post, 2008). Furthermore, the bandwagon approach has also been applied. While addressing the public he delineated goals which are supposedly the goals of the entire world, such as banishing terrorist threats and even providing justice in other nations (The Huffington Post, 2008). If other individuals or nations would detract from such aims it seems that they would be branded as adversary even though not necessarily so. It is irrefutable that Obamas speech was indeed effective in persuading its audience judging from the ovation. The propaganda techniques are designed to appeal to the emotions of the public in Berlin. It provides a sense of oneness, taking advantage of the historic representation of the site. Questioning the relevance and validity of Obamas points during the event must have been unlikely as the majority, which attended the event, have already assumed the same perspective. Possibly, others, being influenced, took a similar stance as it seems to be the nationalistic and responsible decision. Hence, Obamas electoral success is testament to the use of propaganda techniques in politics, regardless of its biased and group-oriented nature. Reference The Huffington Post. (2008). Obama Berlin Speech. Retrieved http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2008/07/24/obama-in-berlin-video- of_n_114771. html.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
MAS holdings: An overview
MAS holdings: An overview MAS Holdings is a large apparel manufacturer in Sri Lanka, whose partners are also some other well-known fashion brands in the world including Victoria Secret, Gap, Inc., Nike etc., as introduced by Watson and Story (2006). Its About us website also states that MAS is now a giant in South Asian in undergarment and sportswear manufacturing industry with more than USD 700 million of revenue every year. The companys history was described thoroughly by Watson and Story (2006), from which a number of reasons for its success could be figured out. However, the factors standing out from those reasons were from its management activities. This assignment is going to analyse the above aspects with the MAS case study by Watson and Story (2006). The first thing to be discussed is how the MASs manager helped it flourish. In this case, the roles of a manager in the general context of business should be considered. According to Mintzberg (1973) in Boddy (2008), there are 10 roles for a manager to play in total. Those roles are divided into 3 main categories: informational roles, interpersonal roles and decisional roles then described by Mintzberg (1973) in Boddy (2008). Informational roles are required from managers for the information inside and outside of the organisation to be received and transferred. This includes monitor (finding and acquiring information), disseminator (passing the information acquired) and spokesperson (passing the information to out of the company). Interpersonal roles are required from managers to build and maintain relationships between people in the company and also with people outside, which comprise of figurehead (representing the organisation in formal events), leader (making people do their jobs and help them to improve) and liaison (networking between the business and its stakeholders). Decisional roles are required for managers to make right decisions for the firm including entrepreneur (creating new things, making significant changes, catching opportunities and indicating development routes), disturbance handler (solving accidental problems or changes), resource allocator (distributing the resources of the organisation to the right sector with the right amount and in the right time) and negotiator (convincing the stakeholders). Mintzberg (1973) suggested in Boddy (2008) that every manager plays all of these roles, however the priority of each role may vary depending on his/her position. In the case study of MAS by Watson and Story (2006), there were a variety of evidences supporting the application of the above roles. Firstly, the informational roles could be proved by the way the production line was supervised: The supervisors walk through each cluster of machines, making notes. They sync their Palm Pilots to the central database to post their lines current efficiency and productivity numbers on the electronic boards overhead. (Watson and Story (2006), page 5), which showed the monitor and disseminator roles. With this method, the production management of MAS became very professional that enabled itself and its partner to continuously track the production progress and make changes when necessary to increase efficiency or to meet the new demand, while creating a good image for MAS as a reliable manufacturer. On the other hand, the interpersonal roles were proved mainly by leadership. In this aspect, the MASs managers, especially the Amaleans who chose follow an ethi cal business concept, attempted to motivate the employees by a very high-quality working environment and by the provision of life supports, training, education, as well as promotion prospects, which helped some exemplary persons like TNS Kumari to noticeably change their poor lives. As a result, this again created another good image for MAS, this time as a business doing the right thing (not the sweatshops bias in apparel industry at that time), attracted more local talent who tend to seek opportunities overseas and maintain strong relationships between the company and employees, which were important for further development. Last but not least, the decisional roles were proved mainly by entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurship of MASs managers is illustrated through the fact that the Amaleans started their own business, created new units (two IT branches, an own brand Amante in 2007 as introduced in Amante page on MAS Website) looked for and caught opportunities (creating joint ventur es with several famous fashion brands then learn from them the modern technology and business practice) and decided the paths of development (concentrating on lingerie manufacturing, reaching high technology by partnership with Speedo). These were some of the major decisions that boost MASs growth from a USD 6 million annual revenue firm in 1990 to an over USD 570 million annual revenue one in 2005, according to Exhibit 2, page 18 in Watson and Story (2006). The second topic of this assignment is the management approach. As Worthington and Britton (2009) said, in the general business context, there are 3 main approaches: classical approach, human relations approach and systems approach. According to Worthington and Britton (2009), the classical approach is based on scientific management and bureaucracy, which were studied by Taylor (1856-1915) and Weber (1864-1920) respectively. The former means increasing productivity by the one best way to do the job and by rewarding employees financially toward the common achievement of the organisation. The latter insists on the formality of the organisation (the hierarchy). Next, the human relations approach, instead, focuses on the people, the social and psychological effects on their performance including motivations, leadership, communications and group dynamics and the informal relationships in the formal environment, which was early studied by Elton Mayo (1880-1949). Lastly, the systems approac h views the organisation as a collection of different correlative sections and if a change occurs with one section, the other sections will also have to change accordingly in order that the overall performance will not be undermined. This approach is considered to appear later and to be more complex than the two first ones. In the MAS case study by Watson and Story (2006), in respect of the definitions of different management approaches above, the human relation approach appeared to be most considerable. This approach was obviously supported by the concept of an ethical business in combination with several extra benefits which gives MASs employees a lot of incentives. Consequently, in the case study, it was mentioned that despite the cost of this business practice: Even Sharad, the former CFO, thought that payback came in different forms: employees who embraced the company culture, higher productivity, lower downtime. At this point, the level of employees satisfaction should be measured, which can be done by Maslow needs hierarchy in Worthington and Britton (2009). There are 5 levels in this hierarchy: physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualisation. As can be seen from the case study, most of these motives of MASs workers were met. For physiological needs, they were working in well-designed factories, able to have free breakfast and lunch as well as to use the on-site medical centre. For safety, the well-designed factories and the medical centre also gave a hand, in addition to the abuse-free working environment and the right to stop the production line when there are troubles. For love, the strong relationships had been built between the employees and the company itself, the employees and managers and the employees with each other through the friendly working environment and many extra activities. For esteem, the workers were assured that they were working in an ethical business with high labour standard and they also had chances to participate in MAS Women Go Beyond programme. For self-actualisation, they were able to attend different kinds of classes or training and to have promotion opportunities. These examples made the human relations approach in MAS evident. In conclusion, the prosperity of MAS was notably influenced by the proper of different management theories, of which the most outstanding are the roles of managers and the human relations approach. While the roles of managers were well played in MAS and help sharply strengthen the business, the human relations approach did that from the very inside of the firm: the satisfaction of each of the people working for it. MAS would still need these advantages for its further development and the way it runs might be a notable example for other companies. REFERENCE: About us [n.d Online] MAS Holdings. Available: [Accessed 11 November 2009]. Amante [n.d Online] MAS Holdings. Available: [Accessed 11 November 2009]. Boddy, D. (2008) Management: An Introduction. 4th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education. Watson, N. and Story, J. (2006) MAS Holdings: Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in the Apparel Industry. INSEAD. Worthington, I. and Britton, C. (2009) The Business Environment. 6th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Project Management of School Building Construction
Project Management of School Building Construction Beck Catholic Sports College is a blended Roman Catholic optional school and 6th form situated in the Walton zone of Liverpool, England. The school is named after George Beck who was Archbishop of Liverpool from 1964 to 1976. It is a deliberate supported school directed by Liverpool City Council and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Diocese supervisor Beck Catholic High School picked up pro Sports College status in 2000, and was renamed Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College. Already situated on Cedar Road, the school moved to another ground on Long Lane in 2014. The development of the school, containing a three-story school fabrication, a third party referencing and brandishes lobby for the Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College including related outside works, parking and sub-station with a surmised net inside floor size of 12,163 square meters. Liverpool City Council set a brief for accomplishment of 20% investment funds against similar activities in 2009/2010 with the goal that it could boost the utilization of accessible subsidizing. The venture profited from a creative subsidizing bundle set up together by the City to guarantee conveyance of activities that had initially been arranged as a component of the BSF program. The key features and specifications of the project will be: Considerable cost funds Creative outlines Adaptable utilization of space Tight development program with enhanced program assurance Synergistic working by incorporated group, crosswise over Client and Contractor groups, and in addition other program temporary workers Enhanced business and aptitudes yields The Scape Framework joins a bespoke framework for requesting preconstruction stage works and administrations, including ace forma Project Request Form and Project Order Form. Tier 2/3 Subcontractors and Suppliers with a specific end goal to develop the plan, store network, hazard profile and development program in front of beginning of the project. The development stage contract was NEC3 Option C. The joint effort proceeded as Tier 2/3 Subcontractors and suppliers were effectively designated under small rivalries Open-book bookkeeping is a technique for securing work under which temporary workers are repaid on the premise of straightforward records of the costs they have brought about. It is for the most part connected with boosted target-cost contracts, administration contracts and system contracts, yet can likewise be connected to the main phase of a two-organize, settled value contract. Straightforwardness can apply to the fundamental contractual worker (whose immediate expenses may just add up to 20% of the aggregate development cost) who acquires offered, settled valued sub-gets that are not open book or potentially down the entire production network for each gathering required in a venture. Although open-book bookkeeping is about genuine costs, all the time an objective cost is determined to the premise of a mutual hazard equation. Thus, the customer and contractual worker share any pick up by notional funds of genuine expenses against the objective, or any agony through notional misfortunes (2017, January 17). The most usually utilized cost reimbursable contracts with an objective cost for development functions as been said before is NEC3 choice C and the design is to encourage the customer, temporary worker and its store network cooperating to mutually oversee and eventually decrease costs. There ought to be nothing in the cost data that is private between these associations. From a customers point of view, it ought to be conceivable to decrease the cost of a venture by either creating or refining the outline or through enhanced proficiency in the venture conveyance forms. It likewise helps with making the correct condition for investigating and considering the dangers that may undermine the achievement of a venture and manage them in a valuable way (2017, March 13). NEC is a cutting-edge group of agreements that encourages the usage of sound venture administration standards and practices and defining legitimate connections. Key to the fruitful utilization of NEC is clients embracing the coveted social move. The principle part of this move is moving far from a receptive and knowledge of the past based basic leadership and administration way to deal with one that is foreknowledge based, empowering an inventive domain with ace dynamic and community connections (n.d.). Alternative C of NEC3 is an objective cost contract with a movement timetable where the out-turn monetary dangers are shared between the customer and the temporary worker in a concurred extent. This contract contains all the centre and auxiliary choice provisions, the timetables of cost segments, and contract information significant to an alternative C contact. The Construction Clients Board suggests that open division associations utilize the NEC3 contracts while securing development. Institutionalizing utilization of this extensive suite of agreements ought to convey efficiencies over the general population division and advance practices in accordance with the standards of Achieving Excellence in Construction (n.d.). NEC 3 presents a hazard administration framework including a Risk Register, early notices, chance survey gatherings and gives an endorse against the Contractor on the off chance that he neglects to give an early cautioning. NEC 3 presented a total hazard administration framework into the agreement to supplement the first venture administration framework. Where the issue starts is with the meaning of a Risk Register. There are two situations secured inside a similar arrangement. The main manages matters that counteract finishing completely and the second covers matters that avert fulfillment by the due date appeared on the acknowledged program. Both need to finish different tests, for example, having such a little shot of happening that it would have been preposterous for the Contractor to have valued the hazard and being ta rise that neither one of the parties can anticipate Carrick, D. (n.d.). The purpose of using incentives in NEC3 contract is to align more closely the motivations of the contractor, consultant or supplier to those of the client, so that by working for the success of their individual organisation, they are more directly working for the success of the project from the clients perspective. The key is simplicity, so clients should focus on the few key objectives that are important to them rather than trying to incentivise everything. The biggest incentive of all is repeat order profitable work Broom, D.J.B. (n.d.). NEC will lead more to accomplishment of Clients destinations as far as its definitive quality, execution, cost and time perspectives. It ought to likewise be conceivable to set more thorough focuses for these targets with more noteworthy confidence in accomplishing them. NEC is drafted on a social contracting premise that epitomizes efficient administration forms. The conviction synergistic working over the whole production network improves the possible results when contrasted and an ordinarily divided and non-coordinated approach. NEC gives the instruments to the clients to attract out their aptitudes to apply to the earth they are working in. Development administration can be sorted out under NEC as followed. Here, the Construction Manager joins the expert group nearby the Project Manager, Supervisor and a Designer. Appendix 1: (2013, April ). The degree of sorts of works, administrations and supply, and the authoritative relations to convey them, are various, yet NEC has sufficient à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡exibility to give Clients and their providers with fruitful results. Even though the utilization of the whole NEC family is not the slightest bit a compulsory necessity, having providers drawn in on comparative and predictable terms, which advance cooperating, group working, the standards of lean considering, an attention on time, cost and quality with a procedure for question evasion and efficient debate determination ought to debate emerge, will improve the probability of commonly agreeable results for all concerned. NEC terms are a radical take off from customary drafting approaches and are drafted on a social contracting premise that exemplifies efficient administration forms (2013, April ). Two-stage contract is utilized to permit the early arrangement of a contractual worker, preceding the finish of all the data required to empower them to offer a settled cost. In the main stage, a restricted arrangement is concurred permitting the temporary worker to start work and in the second stage a settled cost is consulted for the agreement. It can be utilized basically to choose the fundamental contractual worker early, or more ordinarily as a system for early arrangement of a master temporary worker, for example, a cladding contractual worker. A two-stage process may likewise be embraced on an outline and construct extend where the business prerequisites are not adequately all around produced for the contractual worker to have the capacity to ascertain a reasonable cost. In principle, the early association of the contractual worker ought to enhance the construct capacity and cost-assurance of the plan and in addition making a superior coordinated venture group and decreasing the probability of question. Preferably the second-arrange transaction is just a numerical exercise utilizing the estimating criteria concurred in the principal organize understanding Two-stage contract empowers the customer to exchange configuration hazard to the temporary worker, however the customer loses use as the contractual worker gets to be distinctly inserted in the group and rivalry is to a lesser degree of danger (2017, January 18). The NEC3 shape is broadly utilized as a part of English-talking, dominatingly custom-based law purviews and might, ostensibly, be more qualified to those locales. It is a type of agreement broadly utilized as a part of government acquirement in the UK. NEC3 will require adjusting to guarantee that the conditions are not in struggle with the important law and steady with the pertinent government acquirement controls. With a mind, boggling structure of alternatives, the NEC3, apparently, offers more noteworthy adaptability and flexibility; it is a type of agreement that advantages from having a complex customer Any reasonable person would agree that NEC3 speaks to another state of mind between the contracting gatherings, and this type of agreement requires a great deal more proactive venture administration from each one of those included, which thusly prompts to more noteworthy site organization Columnist, G.C. (2014, March 24). Southern Cross University Appendix3: , A. (n.d.). SCU is a Lismore-based college with a Gold Coast grounds and is quick to build an understudy convenience office ashore that it claims close Coolangatta Airport. The building necessities incorporate 240 independent units of convenience in different arrangements, a 200 straight auto stop, clothing, diversions room, IT and study ranges, and various regular rooms. This Major Development Plan (MDP) traces the proposed development of Building C and at-review auto stop inside the undeveloped part of the Southern Cross University (SCU) Gold Coast Campus (the Campus) inside the Gold Coast Airport (the Airport) grounds The Airport is rented by Gold Coast Airport Pty Ltd (GCAPL), which is completely possessed and worked by Queensland Airports Limited (QAL), a non-recorded open organization (GCAPL 2011). SCU leases the Campus site from GCAPL SCU is proposing to develop Building C and an at-review auto stop for 505 auto spaces. The Campus as of now comprises of two structures, specifically Building An and Building B. Building A was developed in 2009 and started operations in 2010, while Building B was built in 2011-13 and started operations in mid 2014 (2015, September ). SCU Vital Arrangement reaffirms SCUs dedication to high caliber, imaginative and adaptable projects; work-prepared graduates; and projects, which are educated by the examination and instructing nexus that are connected to the requirements of industry and the callings. The SCU advancement additionally incorporates emphatically with the Airplane terminals goals. The situating of a noteworthy tertiary training establishment in this area is firmly bolstered by best urban arranging standards. The site is arranged nearby what will be the future key open transportation center of the Southern Gold Drift, serving the entire of the district, including the greater part of the SCU catchment range. SCU has been locked in on a few tasks to give assets to useful activities including travelers at the terminal, inquiring about statistic data which is then shared between associations, with the Airplane terminal profiting from a business viewpoint and the understudies utilizing this experience to aid their functional examination content (2015, September ). Southern Cross College has grounds at Lismore, Gold Drift and Coffs Harbor. It additionally works The Inn School Sydney in organization with Mulpha Australia. The College has understudies from more than 80 nations and offers undergrad and postgraduate courses (2012, ). A MDP must detail the degree of consistency with state and nearby government arranging plans in drive where the airplane terminal is found. State and Neighborhood enactment has been assessed as a major aspect of the arrangement of this MDP. GCA straddles the state outskirt and lies somewhat in New South Grains and mostly in Queensland. Despite this, the Airplane terminals crucial part in the local economy is recognized by provincial and state arranging reports on both sides of the Fringe. Because of its area, the Air terminal lies somewhat in Tweed Shire and mostly in Gold Drift City. Again, the Airplane terminals significance in the local economy and the local transport system is recognized in the vital arranging archives of both neighbourhood government specialists. For each situation, the Airplane terminal property is incorporated into exceptional utilize zones in acknowledgment of the nearness of the air terminal (2015, September ). There is a potential that the proposed advancement may impact the twist attributes for landing flying machine at the Airplane terminal. The best impact of the proposed improvement on an arrival flying machine in a cross-wind would be the point at which the wind is blowing straightforwardly over the proposed working from the east to upper east and the airplane is landing onto runway, which is approximately.900m far from the SCU structures group Potential effects to grounds and Airplane terminal operations amid development incorporate increment in activity and substantial hardware developments from development laborers, transitory effects on accessible stopping and potential interruption into OLS from crane operation (2015, September ). The GCAPL tries to accommodate the effective working of the Airplane terminal and recognizes future changes vital for obliging development throughout the following 20 years. This incorporates the Improvement of air terminal offices for both aeronautics and non-flying uses inside the land Heathrow Terminal 5 opened on 27 March 2008 with the exceptionally open clamour of the disappointment of its stuff framework. In breaking down the underlying drivers of the operational disappointment amid the handover of the venture, there are probably going to be specialized and human mistakes for both British Airways (BA) and the British Airports Authority (BAA); by and by, a portion of the commendable accepted procedures and activities of the T5 venture ought not be thought little of or ignored. BAAs Terminal 5 (T5) program at London Heathrow Airport is as of now one of Europes biggest development ventures. It is relied upon to cook for around 30 million travellers a year and give extra terminal and flying machine stopping limit. T5 is additionally anticipated that would include a world-class transport trade interfacing street, rail and air. The office speaks to a  £4.3 billion venture for BAA (2017, ). This huge program included 50,000 individuals from 20,000 organizations. While the underlying features in the press concentrated on the operational issues in the opening couple of weeks especially around the significant stuff dealing with issues the real development of the terminal and supporting framework was an enormous achievement, conveying a  £4.3bn program on time and on spending plan. This was especially amazing considering the venture was composed in the 1990s, with industry standards recommending it ought to have been conveyed over spending plan, late, to a low-quality standard and with wellbeing issues amid development (n.d.). Structure: administration office was set with abnormal state of the control level set up. The counselling group worked cooperatively with BAA which permitted to bolster the foundation and usage of extensive time and cost of the venture control arrangements over the venture. Once the structure was set up, compelling interface administration at the different program and venture levels was completely pivotal to the general accomplishment of the program. A collaborative culture: It was one of a kind around then to utilize this sort of procedure. It has made a fruitful domain through the BAA and their first-level providers. It permitted everybody to go about as one, and concentrating on taking care of issues all through the venture. Likewise the program was conveyed in spending plan and there is doubtlessly the superior approach it cultivated was key to the programs prosperity. The result was huge as it empowered coordinated groups in recuperation arranging, esteem administration and hazard administration to distinguish and secure over  £200 million worth of funds for BAA. Evaluating, checking and controlling correspondence and relationship dangers, much the same as some other specialized hazard, is central to making a superior culture and the T5 approach was inconceivably creative. Effective communication: engaging stockholders in collaboration and straightforward way amplified extend potential for successful achievement in the project. On the venture like T5 the correspondence was significantly more critical than expected. The correspondences group made a wonderful showing with regards to of adequately supporting and strengthening the elite culture, and in addition sharing victories and lessons learnt to empower advancement. The esteem set on worker relations was reviving and obviously shown the significance of individuals to the tasks achievement. Everyone from the group was esteemed and compensated for their endeavours and there was a solid accentuation on security. Strong leadership: Tonys administration community oriented abilities was central and inventive way to deal with the venture dangers pick up regard of the providers at all levels. This was without a doubt a key fixing in the achievement of the program. Extend authority and its effect on human conduct is very frequently disregarded and poor administration can prompt to an awful binding society (n.d.). All the foundations for the roof were three months late because it was a wet winter. The local and state governments were unrealistic about the budget, the length of time it would take and the impact on local taxes. The complexity was just not taken into consideration. Built on a former sewage works, T5 is sandwiched between Heathrows northern and southern runways, the existing terminals to the east and the M25 motorway to the west which could lead to major construction and traffic delays as it was one way in and out for everyone. T5s safety record was marred by the death of a construction worker (2017, ). The introduction depicted the inceptions of the advancement and presentation of the t5 Agreement, a type of agreement which speaks to a critical takeoff from normally held ideas about contracting. The chart idealize perfect examination and comparison of T5 contracting approach to a traditional projects and contracts used Appendix 2: (2017, October 23). The T5 agreement a new type of agreement understandingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ BAA conveys all the hazard and is safeguarded for all that hazard. If any issues emerge the appropriate response is not to discover somebody to convey the can but rather to cooperate to discover an answer A standout amongst the most key contrasts between the T5 Agreement and a standard contract is that various gatherings to the Program were marks to it is likewise noteworthy that the Agreement was marked by the Companies Managing Directors instead of their legitimate agents. Although BAA were still obviously, the customer, the multi-party contract copies collaborating ideas by supplanting a conventional customer/contractual worker pecking order with an all-equivalent group which makes a mental impact to advance hazard sharing among the gatherings The Agreement has every one of the necessities of a Contract: what is required from each gathering by when; how expenses will be repaid; each gatherings rights in case of a debate and how such question would be settled Whats more there was a motivating force conspire considering accomplishing dynamic timetable turning points, supported from a possibility equivalent with the cost effect of defer hazard. In case of cost abundances more prominent than spending plan in addition to possibility, BAA would repay however the capacity for any organization to gain benefit on the overabundances was compelled Harrison, J. (n.d.). An ensured most extreme value (GMP) is a type of concurrence with a contractual worker in which it is concurred that the agreement aggregate wont surpass a predefined greatest. Regularly this is a component utilized on plan and manufacture contracts where the temporary worker has obligation regarding finishing the customers outline and for completing the development works, so they are in a decent position to control costs. this kind of agreement exchanges dangers for conveying the venture from the customer to the temporary worker. As a result the temporary worker is probably going to delicate a higher cost In choosing whether to look for an ensured greatest value, the customer ought to survey the way of the venture, the imaginable dangers and whether it is sensible to anticipate that the contractual worker will bear those dangers. Notwithstanding the name ensured most extreme value the customer ought to in any case guarantee that they have a sufficient possibility (2017, January 24). Alliance contracting is a type of foundation acquirement where the government works cooperatively with private segment gatherings to secure real capital resources, and consents to share openings and work through dangers together as a venture advances. In an organization together get, the proprietor, temporary worker and originator are all gatherings to one anticipate assertion. leading body of administration made up of delegates of the gatherings, with an order to convey the venture as per concurred objectives and partnership standards. Straightforwardness is the sign of a partnership extend. The idea of straightforwardness in an organization together contract stretches out past subcontracting and requires an open book between the proprietor and the temporary worker. It is not unordinary for proprietors to require the temporary worker to open the books on prior tasks so that the proprietor can completely comprehend the contractual workers overheads, edges and expenses. The proprietor and the temporary worker discharge each other from all obligation aside from on account of any default Hirst , C. (2013, March 1). Taken a toll in addition, or time-and-materials offers are regularly utilized on occupations with a ton of questions and concealed conditions, for example, repair work. While for the most part utilized for littler employments, these agreements are occasionally utilized for huge occupations also All in all, cost-in addition to work is an open book handle where bills from the temporary worker incorporate documentation of every hard cost. This would incorporate solicitations for materials and subcontractors, and in addition work hours and charging rates for direct work provided by the temporary worker (n.d.). At the point when its troublesome or difficult to appraise the full cost of a development or rebuilding venture early, you might need to work out a cost-in addition to concurrence with the contractual worker. Fetched in addition to contracts are a contrasting option to settled cost or singular amount understandings that permit more prominent adaptability and more straightforwardness for the proprietor of a property. For the contractual worker, hazard is diminished, since a cost-in addition to contract ensures a benefit Adkins, W.D. (n.d.). The term firm settled cost or singular amount contract alludes particularly to a sort or assortment of settled value contract where the purchaser or buyer pays the vender or supplier a settled aggregate sum for an extremely very much characterized item, however there is the stipend inside these for a difference in the occasion there are impetuses accomplished through venture motivations accomplished or targets met. There are advantages of this kind of agreement to both the purchaser and the dealer, and these are like those at the settled cost impetus expense contract. To the vender, it is helpful since it normally considers the dealer or supplier to charge a sensible base expense, yet likewise considers excellent execution to be remunerated further. In any case, for the purchaser that additionally gives an extremely substantial advantage. The purchaser normally will pay an exceptionally sensible base charge in advance, yet there is obviously the possibility that the cost will go up later if certain conditions have been met (n.d.). References (2017, January 17). Designing Buildings Wiki. Open book accounting Designing Buildings Wiki. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from (2017, March 13). Home | Stradia. Retrieved from (n.d.). Contracts, Project Management Procurement NEC Contracts. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from (n.d.). Contracts, Project Management Procurement NEC Contracts. NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option C Products NEC Contracts. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from Carrick, D. (n.d.). Knowles, a Hill International company . RiskintheNEC3contract. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from Broom, D.J.B. (n.d.). NEC3 Consultancy Training Project Contracts Procurement. Incentivisation under NEC3. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from (2013, April). Contracts, Project Management Procurement NEC Contracts. Procurement and Contract Strategies. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from (2017, January 18). Designing Buildings Wiki. Two-stage tender Designing Buildings Wiki. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from Columnist, G.C. (2014, March 24). Construction Week Online Middle East | The benefits of NEC3 | Retrieved March 19, 2017, from (2017). GpmFirst. Heathrow Terminal 5: Case Study | GpmFirst. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from (n.d.). Thinc Advice + Action. T5 Secrets of Success . Retrieved March 18, 2017, from (2017). Financial Times. Subscribe to read. Retrieved March 20, 2017, from Harrison, J. (n.d.). The Institute of Risk Management (IRM). Case study 2 Heathrow Terminal 5 a new paradigm for major programme risk management . Retrieved March 20, 2017, from (2017, January 24). Designing Buildings Wiki. Guaranteed maximum price for construction contracts Designing Buildings Wiki. Retrieved March 19, 2017, from
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Role of Women in The Stone Diaries Essay -- Stone Diaries Essays
The Role of Women in The Stone Diaries    Gender inequities have existed since the beginning of time. The various roles assigned to men and women in society have served to perpetuate differences that even until the present have not been overcome. These gender differences are evident in The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields. Initially the main character, Daisy Goodwill, is a pathetic, weak woman whose only joy comes from appreciating the small things in life. After a series of personal events, she changes dramatically and becomes a stronger individual. Daisy’s continual need for self-reliance is fulfilled by the changing society around her.            Daisy’s initial character is anything but extraordinary. She is ordinary in every way except her birth. Neither of her parents knows her mother is pregnant. Her mother dies in childbirth, leaving Daisy to find her place in society without her mother’s example. Daisy grows up in a normal home, with guardians and basically lives a normal life. Daisy’s moderate intelligence affects her both positively and negatively. Daisy has certain fundamental needs, which sadly go unnoticed by those around her and even sometimes by herself. Her appreciation of the small pleasures in life is attributed to her ordinariness. As critic Geraldine Sherman points out, â€Å"Shields demonstrates there are no small lives, no lives out of which significance does not shine. She makes us aware that banality, ultimately, is in the eye of the beholder†(47). Her view of the beauty of nature and her cur iosity towards people in general portray this. On the other hand, Daisy’s average intelligence causes her inability to express herself. Her conversations with her mother-in-law to be, Mrs.Hoad, ...†The Spectator, September 4, 1993: 28 – 29. Rpt. In Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Bringham Narins and Deborah A. Stanley. Vol. 91 Detroit: Gale Research, 1996. 167-168.  Fitzgerald, Penelope. Rev. of The Stone Diaries, by Carol Shields. The London Review of Books September. 1993: 19-22.  Pool, Gail. â€Å"Imagination’s Invisible Ink.†in Women’s Review of Books, Vol.XI, No.8, May, 1994: 20. Discovering Authors The Gale Group, 2000. Available via†¦d&o=DataType&n=10=d&NA=shields%2C+Carol. (28 march 2000).  Sherman, Geraldine. â€Å"Straining to Fulfill Ambitions.†The Globe and Mail 2 October.1993, natl.ed.: Cl+  Shields, Carol. The Stone Diaries. New York.: Penguin Books USA Inc. 1994.                       Â
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Caribbean Identity Essay -- Culture Caribbean History Cultural Ess
The Caribbean Identity The way in which Benà tez-Rojo and Mintz tackle the question of Caribbean identity in their articles, is a removed, objective ideal, in contrast to Michelle Cliff’s portrayal of Jamaican identity. Cliff’s portrayal touches the heart and soul of Caribbean identity. While Mintz and Benà tez-Rojo are investigating trends in the Caribbean as a whole, from an outside perspective, Cliff offers the personal, tactile imagery of what it is to live in the Caribbean, utilizing the objective account of history as a background. Furthermore, Cliff deals with Jamaica, one island in the Caribbean, while Mintz and Benà tez-Rojo are dealing with the Caribbean on a grand scaled overview. The fact is neither article can be taken as complete truth. In fact, although Cliff uses history in her novel, I believe the account of history from someone who has completely accessed the interior of a place, is always going to be biased. Likewise, Mintz and Benà tez-Rojo in making their hypothes es, are lacking an insider’s view. It is the difference between a Caribbean person and Caribbeanist, respectively. Therefore, while on a logical level, an analytical level, Benà tez-Rojo and Mintz’s, conclusions as to Caribbean identity could rightly be accepted, these two authors do not possess the experience and intensity to make me as a reader, convinced of their conclusions. Benà tez-Rojo and Mintz do utilize imagery in their texts. For example, Benà tez-Rojo quotes E. Dovergier as a manner of displaying with images what he has attempted to explain regarding rhythm as being the unifying factor of Caribbean culture. Part of this description reads, "the buyers buzz around like a swarm of flies; they haggle, they gesticulate, they laugh, they babble ..., it seems to be in Jamaica specifically, the elite and ruling class are never going to understand what it was like to be a slave or possibly never admit that it was wrong to encourage slavery. Those who were slaves or relatives of slaves, understand the horrors associated with slavery and will not be able to forgive completely the naivity and self involvement on the part of elite in continuing slavery. For as Clare says, although emancipation eventually came, as well as official freedom of Jamaica from Britain, there is no essence of complete freedom. Bibliography Antonio Benà tez-Rojo, The Repeating Island (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1992) Michelle Cliff, Abeng (New York: Penguin, 1995; orig. 1984). Sindney W. Mintz, â€Å"The Caribbean as a Socio-Cultural Area,†in M. Horowitz, Peoples & Cultures of the Caribbean (Garden City, N.J., 1971).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Vietnam Essay -- essays research papers
Vietnam War      The Vietnam War was truly one of the most uncommon wars ever fought. This conflict was so hostile and ironic, that the official beginning and end could never be identified, or pinpointed. Likewise, the enemies and the allies looked exactly alike. This turmoil made everyone in the war confused, because â€Å"anyone†could be a friend by day, and foe by night. Additionally, what made the war so difficult was the tactics used by many soldiers. These tactics were called â€Å"Guerrilla Warfare,†which consisted of the simple process of â€Å"hide, shoot, and run.†Surprisingly, this fighting technique matched the skills of many of the best-trained soldiers from the opposite side.      The Vietnam War fought between the communist North Vietnam, and the non-communist South Vietnam was supported by the United States. The main objective of the war was to contain the leader. Ho Chi Minh, was the leader of the â€Å"league for the independence of Vietnam,†generally known as the Viet Minh. The league was organized in 1941 as a â€Å"nationalistic party†; their goal was to seek Vietnamese independence from France.      South Vietnam did not have the resources of modern military technology; therefore, the capacity of depending on themselves, was minimum. The United States were allied with South Vietnam, and they made a massive deployment, that begun in the spring of 1965. The deployment consisted of and initial wave of... Vietnam Essay -- essays research papers Vietnam War      The Vietnam War was truly one of the most uncommon wars ever fought. This conflict was so hostile and ironic, that the official beginning and end could never be identified, or pinpointed. Likewise, the enemies and the allies looked exactly alike. This turmoil made everyone in the war confused, because â€Å"anyone†could be a friend by day, and foe by night. Additionally, what made the war so difficult was the tactics used by many soldiers. These tactics were called â€Å"Guerrilla Warfare,†which consisted of the simple process of â€Å"hide, shoot, and run.†Surprisingly, this fighting technique matched the skills of many of the best-trained soldiers from the opposite side.      The Vietnam War fought between the communist North Vietnam, and the non-communist South Vietnam was supported by the United States. The main objective of the war was to contain the leader. Ho Chi Minh, was the leader of the â€Å"league for the independence of Vietnam,†generally known as the Viet Minh. The league was organized in 1941 as a â€Å"nationalistic party†; their goal was to seek Vietnamese independence from France.      South Vietnam did not have the resources of modern military technology; therefore, the capacity of depending on themselves, was minimum. The United States were allied with South Vietnam, and they made a massive deployment, that begun in the spring of 1965. The deployment consisted of and initial wave of...
Employment at Will Doc Essay
During the nineteenth century a legal rule was developed giving employer’s unfettered power to â€Å"dismiss their employees at will for good cause, for no cause or for cause morally wrong, without being thereby guilty of a legal wrong. †(Halbert, 2012, p. 49). This legal rule is commonly known as Employment-At-Will and ultimately the employer has the rights to sever the employer-employee relationship at any given time for any given reason and whether or not the employee thinks wrongful separation. It is a topic that is debated for many years and in today’s current economy and unemployment rate steadily increasing â€Å"Employment-at-will†is a doctrine that is being used more frequently as employers experience their present day lows. Employers however have to keep in mind the other that in 1960, federal civil rights laws created remedies against employers who fire workers because of their race, national origin, color, religion, sex, age, or disability (Halbert, 2012, p. 9). Later, in 1970s and 1980s, federal and state statutes include protection from retaliation for employees who report violations of environmental or workplace safety laws and those individuals are commonly known as â€Å"whistleblowers†. In essence, whistle blowers are typically long term, highly loyal employees who feel strongly that their company should do the right thing, because in the wave of scandal with major firms such as Enron and World. Com; Congress enacted corporate fraud reform legislation which provides provisions to protect those who report financial misconduct in publicly traded companies. This law is known as Sarbanes-Oxey, or SOX (Halbert, 2012, p. 50). In this assignment the scenario begins as a manager and supervisor of an accounting department, discuss the following issues related to the employment-at-will doctrine and liability of an employer based on actions and responses to the employee’s behavior and actions. Jennifer, a recent graduate, has recently been hired by your accounting firm out of college. Upon being hired, she engages in a number of different behaviors that need your attention. Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving skills, competence, and abilities: †¢The employee seems to be unable to learn the computer applications that are basic to her job responsibilities, but, consistently â€Å"tells†her boss that she is â€Å"a good worker and a genius†and that he does not â€Å"appreciate her†. Even after a few months of training and support, she is unable to use the computer tools to be productive and efficient in completing the required tasks. Employers must first determine was this employee given adequate training, support and feedback while employed. However, feedback can include a performance management plan (PMP) where it measures an employee’s strengths, weaknesses, to the goals and expectations of the company and expectations of the position. If the action plan of re-training, possibly one on one coaching/mentoring are options for this employee and the employee is still not able to grasp the scope of her job duties; it may be a situation where in this scenario the employer can practice employment at will especially after exhausting all methods to help this employee gain as much knowledge that was assumed she was bringing to the company, the employer now may relinquish the employer-employee relationship for good, bad or for no cause at all. Further, the employer does not hold any legal liability as long as no contract was signed upon employment, however if an employee is unable to perform her job duties, the employer does not have much choice than to end employment. Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving management, behavior, and performance: †¢In this scenario, an employee tends to burst into a rage when criticized and is frequently late to work as noticed by her boss and other staff members. When her boss attempts to address her behavioral issues and the company late policy, the employee’s response is that she â€Å"knows her rights and what to do†if she is wrongfully discharged. She also says she took a business law class in undergrad that taught her â€Å"everything she needs to know about exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine and wrongful discharge in violation of public policy†. Clearly, if this employee has a tendency to have outbursts of rage when criticized this should always have a second party as a witness, along with proper documentation of all verbal reprimands, written warnings reprimands regarding the company’s late policy. We all know that when an employee is considering termination, you need to follow a defined process for best results (Kermit, 2012). There may be a valid reason for her tardiness, however, if the said employee stated she took business law classes in her undergraduate studies she should know full well employment at will outweighs wrongful termination if she was constantly late, violating company policy and warned her job could be in jeopardy, the employer can still choose to terminate employment. Maybe instead of the employee having outbursts, have her to explain the specific reasons for being late and these emotional outbursts because workplace hostility is not tolerated. Maybe the employer can offer her the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which is a support services program to help balance work and life, maybe she has child care issues or lives in a household with only one vehicle, possibly advising her to seek employment within the company with a more flexible schedule. At any rate, this employee has been warned, given support and the problem still remains, the employer must then choose to use Employment At Will doctrine to separate the employee from employment but just as an employer can separate the employee from employment, so can an employee separate themselves from the employer as well; as the definition remains the same â€Å"employment at will†. Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving labor and laws: †¢The employee takes a day off from work, without management consent, for her religious holiday observance that falls on a day that is during â€Å"tax season†. The day off occurred during an incredibly busy period for the company during which the employer had notified all employees they were not allowed to take off without prior management approval. Also, there is no labor union for accountants. However, she begins talking to her co-workers during lunch breaks and sometimes during regular work hours, encouraging them to organize and form a union to â€Å"protect ourselves†. Based upon the federal civil rights laws enacted in the 1960s, there are legal liabilities for dismissal of an employee based on race, national origin, color, religion, sex, age or disability (Halbert, 2012, p. 9). However, an employee cannot take it upon themselves to grant any day off, whether or not they have acquired leave to use for the day out of work. This could be a policy violation and considered a no call any show for work because you decided to take an authorized day off. Management has already expressed â€Å"all hands on deck†for their busiest season and discouraged employees from taking any days off during this time. However, if prior notification had been communicated to the employer of her religious holiday observance, her day off may have been approved. However, she clearly not just violated a policy but disturbed the flow of production and this can cause separation from employment as well but this employee should have sought other alternatives than to authorize her own day off. Also, the employer would need to be very careful before considering termination, due to her attempts to form unions; as early adjustments to the employment –at-will doctrine was made as workers fought for the right to organize and form unions. The U. S. Supreme Court declared that an employer could not use Employment –At – Will to intimidate or coerce its employee with respect to their self -organization; which means an employee cannot be terminated as punishment for attempting to organize a union (Halbert, 2012, p. 49). This employee may have a chance to remain employed in this scenario due to the â€Å"religious holiday observance†issue, however should be reprimanded for no call no show, written up and added to her employee file so there is proper documentation if she decides to authorize her next day off as discipline action to termination can occur. Also, if the employer can also practice â€Å"The Good Faith†covenant, which can be interpreted in different ways meaning that termination must be for cause to meaning that termination cannot be made in bad faith or with malice intended (Muhl, 2001) Describe what steps you would take to address the following scenario involving policies and procedure. †¢The employee’s supervisor consistently asks her out on dates; the employee initially refuses to go out on a date with her supervisor. The employee later discusses the issue with her girlfriend who encourages her to accept his offers. During her new employee orientation, the employee was informed of the company policy which prevented employees from dating their supervisor and was given an employee handbook with the written policy. The employee and her supervisor later begin having a consensual relationship. Often times, employers have to make their employees constantly aware of certain policies and procedures within the workplace. They will have prepared documents as reminders of these internal policies involving securities, workplace violence, and sexual harassment just to name a few. These documents are required to be read and sign as acknowledgement that you fully understand and will be incompliance. In many companies fraternizing is not allowed within the workplace this information should have been advised by written policy in the company’s handbook and or during employee orientation but it is very important this type of relationship be deterred as it could result in sexual harassment case and lawsuits can be formulated. Workplace relationships are risky as they can cause unnecessary conflict and affect not only the work environment but jeopardize one’s areer. At any rate, ethics plays an important role in this scenario and must be considered before entering into any type of workplace relationship.
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