Monday, September 30, 2019
Mental/Behavioral Case Study Essay
I am doing a case study for Jenny Stanson, who is a 20-year-old college student who that is currently living with her grandmother. Lately, she has been noticing that her grandmother seems to be confused at times, and often forgets things she has told her. She also informed me that her grandmother is often rather short-tempered. From what jenny says, this does not seem to be her usual manner and happens only infrequently, but Jenny is concerned. She stated that someone told her that her grandmother might be suffering from early stage of Alzheimer’s disease. Upon doing research on the disease I learned that Alzheimer’s disease is perhaps the most common form of dementia, although several others exist. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease of the brain. In the early stages, people experience some memory loss which progresses to marked memory loss, then to a decrease in thinking ability such as decision making. Later the disease leads to the loss in the ability to perform activities of daily living or recognize loved ones. The changes in the brain that often mirror the decline in thinking are the development of plaques and tangles in the brain. These changes may begin in areas of the brain associated with memory, but later spread more widely throughout the brain. The plaques and tangles can lead to a gradual loss of connections between brain cells and eventually cell death. Based upon the information she shared with me, I’m placing her grandmother in the early stages of Alzheimer’s due to her age and the symptoms she’s currently presenting. Especially after learning that starting at age 65, the risk of developing the disease doubles every five years, and that by age 85 years and older, between 25 and 50 percent of people will exhibit signs of Alzheimer’s disease. I did inform Jenny though, that there are things she could do and practice and speak to her grandmother about as far as prolonging the onset of Alzheimer’s. There are a number of studies that suggest behaviors that might lessen the risk of developing the disease. Among these are increasing physical activity, having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, maintaining social engagement, and participating in intellectually stimulating activities. I informed her that the approved treatments for Alzheimer’s disease are designed to enhance the communication between nerve cells. In some individuals, this will lessen the symptoms. However, these treatments will not prevent the progression of the disease. When it comes to cultural issues pertaining to this issue, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia affect all racial and ethnic peoples. Communities of color and other historically underserved groups often encounter problems when accessing services or information about Alzheimer’s disease. Because of this, the local chapter is working to increase awareness of the disease and understanding about the obstacles to service for rural communities, ethnic groups, and communities of color. This though should not be a reason people do not step out on their own and seek help In conclusion, I informed Jenny that there is a lot of information on the Alzheimer’s disease on the internet, libraries, hospitals and other places one can go to seek treatment. I told her that she and her grandmother are not alone. If she wants some really good information and help, she should turn to The Alzheimer’s Association, which is the most trusted resource for reliable information, education, referral and support to millions of people affected by the disease. She can Call their 24/7 Helpline number at: 800.272.3900 or she can locate a chapter in her community, she can use their virtual library or even simply just go to the Alzheimer’s Navigator within the associations website to create customized action plans and connect with local support services. References
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Analysis
In situations of desperation, desolation or depression humans may become capable of acting inexplicably. When a person is faced with a grim situation he may try to deny the reality of the situation, and as such remain optimistic that all will be set right. The protagonists of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis and Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich must cope with these elements of self-delusions, their bitter wisdom and the fragility of their own hope. People who believe they have nothing to look forward to, begin to change their perceptions of happiness to cope with their dismal situation. The human Gregor Samsa enjoyed happiness from making others happy, as seen through his intentions of sending his sister to the musical Conservatory or his ability to provide for his family. When he is no longer able to find happiness in human interaction, he begins to find happiness for himself in the simplest occurrences. Read also Analysis of Characters in Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"The Life You Save May Be Your Own†â€Å"He especially liked hanging from the ceiling it was completely different from lying on the floor; one could breathe more freely; a faint swinging sensation went through the body; and in the almost happy absent-mindedness which Gregor felt up there, it could happen to his own surprise that he let go and plopped onto the floor.†During the initial stages of his metamorphosis, Gregor is proud and happy about his ability to provide such a comfortable life for his family. After his transformation he is not able to make others happy consequently being forced to seek pleasure for himself in the smallest things, despite how simple they may seem. Ivan Denisovich, also referred to as Shukhov, finds himself in a similar situation. He is forced to abandon the common goals shared by other men and to adopt a mentality where survival provides him with satisfaction. Ivan is happy about his day because he avoids additional punishment, has more than usual to eat, works at building a wall which he takes pride in and acquires some new tools. His enjoyment of these simple accomplishments demonstrates the changes which have occurred within him. â€Å"Shukhov went to sleep, and he was very happy. He'd had a lot of luck today. They hadn't put him in the cooler. The gang hadn't been chased out to work in the Socialist Community Development. He'd finagled an extra bowl of mush at noon. The boss has gotten them good rates for their work. He'd felt good making that wall. They hadn't found that piece of steel in the frisk. Caesar had paid him off in the evening. He'd bought some tobacco. And he'd gotten over that sickness. Nothing had spoiled the day and it had been almost happy.†The happiness felt by Ivan results from incidents that others would take for granted. His additional labour in the prison is not for any reason other than for his survival and satisfaction. Rather than thinking of how he could be made happier by what he does not have, he appears happy with what he is given. The protagonists of both novels force themselves into believing they are happy, to be better able to cope with the grim reality of their circumstances. Although there is no rationale given for their respective situations, the protagonists both have the knowledge that their life has changed for the worse. When Gregor reflects upon the life he once gave to his family, he begins to feel guilty about Grete having to care for him. His life has been based upon his role as the provider, but fulfilling his duties after the transformation is no longer plausible. â€Å"Often during Gregor's short stays in the city the Conservatory would come up in his conversations with his sister, but always merely as a beautiful dream which was not supposed to come true, and his parents were not happy to hear even these innocent allusions; but Gregor had very concrete ideas on the subject and he intended solemnly to announce his plan on Christmas Eve. Thoughts like these, completely useless in his present state, went through his head as he stood glued to the door.†His motivation has been fulfilling the financial and emotional needs of his family put forth on him, but he is no longer needed by his family. The Samsa family is now capable of surviving without his contributions, and seemingly are better people as they become independent. As the bug he is a burden to his family because his purpose in life has been made impossible to fulfill. Unlike Gregor, Ivan believes that he has a purpose (to work with his hands) but he is unable to because of an unfair conviction. â€Å"Easy money doesn't weigh anything and it doesn't give you that good feeling you get when you really earn it. The old saying was true-what you don't pay for honestly, you don't get good value for. Shukhov's hands were still good for something. Back home he'd surely find himself work making stoves, or something in the carpentry line, or mending pots and pans. The only catch was- if you'd been convicted with loss of civil rights, you couldn't get work anywhere and you weren't allowed back home.†Ivan is proud of the work he does with his hands but he is not permitted to choose his living because of the sentence. He is not able to return home and has lost his civil rights. His future will never exceed his past life. For Ivan true freedom means home but he will never have that freedom again. The male prisoners create a society in which they have the security of knowing what they will be doing and eating from one day to the next yet remain powerless over their futures. The changes caused by the peculiar situations give both protagonists a more pessimistic view of their lives. The promise of hope causes people to be optimistic even in the grimmest of situations, but a lack of it may be detrimental. In the case of Gregor the fragility of his hope is a disadvantage. He retains a human sense of frustration, memory and optimism despite his increasing animal instincts. During the incident when Grete attempts to remove his furniture he at first seems passive to the notion but once his mother voices doubts, saying the removal of the furniture would be symbolic of the family giving up hope of his return, he too becomes more hopeful, even wanting to give up crawling to retain his humanity. â€Å"Nothing should be removed; everything had to stay; he could not do without the beneficial influence of the furniture on his state of mind; and if the furniture prevented him from carrying on this senseless crawling around, then that was no loss but rather a great advantage.†The hope of others around him greatly influences his own, as instanced when he opens his door to measure the reaction of his family to his initial transformation. Later Grete declares the bug would have already left if it really were Gregor. She is essentially giving up the hope that the bug is her brother; expectedly Gregor dies that night. The will to live for Ivan, however, is strong enough to overpower his hopelessness and the endless difficulties of a life he cannot control. He has enough hope of getting out of prison to maintain his own sanity, but not so much that he becomes dejected about his situation. â€Å"Shukhov sort of liked the way they pointed at him- the lucky guy nearly through with his sentence. But he didn't really believe it. Take the fellows who should've been let out in the war. They were all kept in till forty-six- â€Å"till further notice.†And then those with three years who'd gotten five more slapped on. They twisted the law any way they wanted. You finished a ten-year stretch and they gave you another one. Or if not, they still wouldn't let you go home. But sometimes you got a kind of funny feeling inside. Maybe your number really would come up one day. God, just to think you might walk out and go home!†Ivan realizes that he will never have freedom yet wants nothing more than being released from prison. Restraining his hopes with a touch of reality enables him to find a balance between escape and contentment during his sentence. It is difficult to be truly happy when keeping the dismal reality in mind. The protagonists find their lives are worse because they know it is not possible to find the happiness they once had. Despite this knowledge, they maintain the hope of returning to normal for as long as they can. This hope serves to protect the potentially false happiness they experience. Both characters are described as being almost happy because, despite their self-delusions, they can only obtain true happiness if their lives were to return to the way they once were; but that is unfeasible.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Prevent hospital-acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Dissertation
Prevent hospital-acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) - Dissertation Example In this study a specific number of variables are studied. The data used in the quantitative research are based on various measurements with the help of structured and validated data collection instruments. Quantitative study aims at identifying the statistical relationship between variables. This type of study is focused on a narrow lens and tailored for testing specific hypotheses. Statistical reporting with correlations, mean comparison and relying on statistical findings is the crux of quantitative research (Qualitative versus quantitative research, n.d.). The process of qualitative research is dedicated towards exploring issues, understanding the phenomenon of the topic of research. Subsequently it aims at answering questions. The process of qualitative approach occurs in an everyday basis and takes place in and around every workplaces and study environment. For executing qualitative research, the approaches that are utilized are mainly analysis of unstructured data which include s open ended survey questions, literature reviews, audio recordings and searching of web pages and databases (What is qualitative research, n.d.). Among them literature review is an indispensable part in research and in nursing research it is of high importance. Importance of literature review in nursing research A literature review can be referred to as a critical summary of research on a topic. It concentrates on the ways in which the researchers address a topic. Literature review is a critical summary addressing various useful approaches of research. Literature review occurs in two preliminary parts . The first part is in devising a search strategy and secondly identification of various kinds of resources that will suit the information required for addressing the research question. Secondary sources are mainly preferred which include books, reference books, journals, conference papers , government publications and so on(Performing a Literature Review, n.d.). In nursing, research carries much significance. In the recent years a majority part of them is reflected towards the changing perception of the nurse’s education. With research initiation the nurses have become more prone to research and have found out ways in the improving the quality care provided to the patients. From the studies of Hungler in 1997, research allows the nurses in questioning their practice finding answers and thus applying them in their respective areas. Literature review acts a way for making the current study into the context of what is known previously. From that the decisions associated with the particular type of tool application for the best outcome of the patients is known (The Importance of Research to Nursing, 2012). So in this paper the importance of literature review lies in the fact that they will be able to help us in exploring the ways of treating HA- MRSA and find out the most effective and optimal ways of reducing the spread of HA-MRSA. Critical Literature Revie w From the studies of Kyale in 1995 for the selection of proper methodology things like the role of validity, reliability and generalizability are questioned. Within the study of naturalistic dimension the the philosophy of reality validating knowledge has been generally eliminated. There has been a generation of confusion regarding the association of rationalistic as well as naturalistic
Friday, September 27, 2019
Race and power in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Race and power in the US - Essay Example Tule Lake!!! I had to stop making your father’s supper. I have only heard that name in my nightmares for the past thirty years. I know you children have always assumed that during World War II I was in Europe with your father. I was not. My wartime experiences are a matter of deep shame. To start with, all I have told you about your grandmother is true. My mother was born in Tokyo to poor parents. Upon marrying my father, they both dreamed of coming to America. My parents believed that if one worked hard enough in America, one could achieve greatness. They both worked to save the money for the ocean voyage. Upon my mother’s realization that she was pregnant, both my parents made a difficult choice. They had saved enough money for one. My father decided to send my mother ahead to America. They wanted their child born on American soil. My mother arrived in 1924, a few months before I was born. After we arrived in San Francisco, my mother worked as a dishwasher to support both of us. Mother saved every spare penny to bring father to America, but by the time they had saved the money, the restrictions on immigration had tightened. My mother and father were still going through the red tape when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The tensions in Japan had been rising before. I remember as a teenager, the headlines of Japan invading China. I was afraid for the father I had never met. Father’s letters started coming few and far between, then after Pearl Harbor stopped all together. Mother was frantic. Oddly enough, when the flyers calling for â€Å"Japanese Americans†to relocate my mother and I were not too concerned. I do not know if my mother thought we would be returned to Japan or not. She did think we would be reunited with father upon the completion of the war, one way or another. We lived in an apartment away from our Japanese friends in an all white neighborhood. Our landlord pressured us out of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Is violence heriditary or genetic Research Paper
Is violence heriditary or genetic - Research Paper Example Appendix †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15. Problem statement There is a high likelihood that childhood aggression and antisocial behavior in adolescent stages of development have less relationship with the genetics of the parents than it can be a hereditary characteristic. Purpose of study The research investigates the correlation that exists between childhood aggression and the prevalence of antisocial behavior during the adolescence stage. The study’s core purpose was to prove whether aggression (including childhood aggression and adolescent antisocial behavior) is hereditary or emanates from genetics of the child’s parents. Identification of framework This study is helpful in explaining the relationship between aggression, including childhood aggression and antisocial behavior among adolescents, and the parents’ genetic makeup. It also helps to prove if violence, childhood aggression and antisocial among adolescents, is hereditary. Information of designed The research determines the extent to which violence (dependent variables), in the form of childhood aggression and antisocial behavior among adolescents, depends on genetic traits of parents (independent variable). Is violence hereditary or genetic? Abstract There are exceptional advantages of undertaking research in every field of knowledge. Nursing is a fundamental field in everyday lives, a need that underscores the necessity of undertaking research to boost the provision of nursing services. Possible research topics in the field of include the exploration of the principalities behind the prevalence of violence in the society. The question as to whether violence is hereditary or genetic forms a viable area of research in nursing. Childhood violence and subsequent observations as antisocial behavior among adolescents is on as escalating trend, in the society. A number of literatures are available on this field of nursing, as discussed in this research. This study investigates the source of violence, whether hereditary or related to the genetics of the parents. There are various depictions of violence as childhood aggression and antisocial behavior among adolescents. According to the research, violence is a hereditary trait. Introduction A theory refers to an abstract of a possible description of the functionalities of a principle stated in a logical way. Studies conducted to validate such abstract explanations refer to a research. Research, in the field of nursing, explores a number of areas. It is useful in exploring principles regarding the state of children, as well. Nursing involves the provision of comprehensive care to individuals. The care extends to that provided to members of the community and entails a vital role in nursing. Children face a number of risks and their protection forms a noble role in the field of nursing. Inhumane treatments are among the different challenges children face in the society. In as much as children continue to face a number of challenges, childhood aggression and a consequential prevalence of antisocial behavior in adolescents, is on an escalating trend in society, a factor that draws concern from a number of researchers, in the field of nursing. Studies show factors that link childhood aggression to antisocial conducts upon attaining adolescence stage. The research investigates the correlation that exists between childhood aggression and the prevalence of antisocial behavior during the adolescence stage
Living with a long term, multiple pathology Essay
Living with a long term, multiple pathology - Essay Example About 1,131 deaths were attributed to asthma in 2009, and 12 of these were less than 14 years of age (Asthma UK, 2012). For depression, it is considered the fourth leading cause of disability and disease in the world (NICE, 2011). In the UK, the prevalence of this disease in 2006 was 2.6%, and these rates are often higher in cases where chronic illnesses are present and among women, the rates are often higher (NICE, 2011). This study shall first provide a background for the patient’s case. Secondly, a plan of care would be presented. Thirdly, the delivery and evaluation of care shall follow, and finally, a summary and conclusion will end this discussion. This paper is being carried out in order to improve the management of multiple long-term conditions among patients. Background The patient Bruno (not his real name) was admitted into the emergency room after an asthma attack. Before the admission, Bruno was self-managing his asthma attacks through his regular asthma medication s. He is now 70 years old. His current admission is also associated with depression. On further evaluation of his symptoms, it was determined that he was feeling very sad and lonely. I met the patient after being assigned to his care as a student nurse on my sixth week of placement. The patient’s heart rate was at 112, but he had low blood pressure at 96/50. His temperature was about 100 degrees while his respiratory rate was 22. He had poor skin turgor and this indicated that he needed immediate medical attention. This is why this patient was chosen for this paper. Based on initial laboratory tests, Bruno had the following condition: Creatinine 14.4 mg/dl, BUN 212 g/dl, bicarbonate 10 meq/l, chloride 145 meq/l, potassium 6.9 meq/l, sodium 176 meq/l, platelets 554 and hemoglobin 18.5 g/dl. Bruno’s life has been a very busy one, he worked as an economist and he was often able to easily work out math problems in his head. In his 50s, his children were all fully grown and he then participated in fund raising activities for local charities (Carrier, 2004). Bruno suddenly noted that he was losing his mathematical ability. He committed frequent mistakes and he often forgot to pay bills, turn water off, and he sometimes burned his meals (Catton, 2006). Bruno has always been mild-mannered and he seldom got angry, however, he started losing his temper especially when tired and stressed. He often held himself together long enough to get home and then lose his temper and his emotions there. This affected his relationship with his family (Titelman, 2003). He never told his doctor everything that was happening and as months went by, his mental health got the better of him and he became more difficult to live with. He finally decided to take time off work to resolve his issues and get well. After the diagnostic exams, he was diagnosed with early onset of asthma (Croghan 2006). He was also diagnosed with depression. Long-term diseases are those which also call for long-term medical attention (London Health Observatory, 2011). These long-term diseases are also diseases which often require constant care, care possibly lasting for years. These conditions include cancer, hypertension, chronic asthma, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, end-stage renal disease, and mental health issues like schizophrenia, senile dementia, and depression (London Health
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Business Information Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Information Systems - Assignment Example ion that is linked to processes as well as responsible for providing business administration a 360-degree vision all through the distributed company departments of the bank. To opt for this business intelligence platform from business Objects was the logical alternatives to facilitate and expand the worth as well as importance of bank’s SAP deployment. The Business objective for the bank’s intelligence platform has the plan eristic to hold up together present and upcoming information requirements as well as it also authorizes bank’s executives by means of the information they require for developing day-to-day working and formulating effective decision for the bank. Bank of Ireland business Group deals with almost thousands of dealer demands into its collective services department every year plus well-organized administration of this data and information flow is quite necessary planned for its Acquire-to-Compensate procedures and practices. Implementation of a lat est ERP application proposed to develop efficiency; it has become apparent that better procedures and practices were enviable for moving as well as recovery of business invoices, plus the bank started out to the marketplace in order to find out new and innovative solution and efficient techniques (SoftCo Group Ltd., 2010), (Laguerre & Welsh, 2010), (SAP-2, 2010) and (Case Study). At the earlier SAP implementation in the Bank of Ireland, there were great opportunities and facilities to the additional and far effective development in business invoice management and accurate handling of business dealings. Formerly the business was functioning totally with manual methods planned for managing and handling business processes which are vital for the approval or required for a number of exceptions determined prior to processing. The major difficulties in the paper-based or manual procedures were becoming more and more difficult plus time-consuming. These incorporated processes which are missing, the troubles
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Critical analysis of EU law system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Critical analysis of EU law system - Essay Example In 2001 was accepted the new constituent Treaty, which has received the name the Treaty of Nice and is one of the major founding treaties of the European Union. According to this Treaty, which has come into force in 2003, were made essential changes in institutional structure, to process of formation and functioning of institutes of EU. The Nice Treaty, "once it comes into force, will allow for more categories of cases to be moved from the jurisdiction of the ECJ to that of the European Court of First Instance (CFI) and from that of the CFI to new judicial panels hearing appeals in special in special areas of the law that are of lesser importance for the general evolution of the European Union"3. Since May, 1st, 2004 10 more Member states has entered the European Union and the general number of Member-states has reached twenty five4. The European Union is becoming the leading economic world centre, has sharply strengthening its political influence on a world scene, having united the states, which population is made nearby half milliard people. And all these people have right, which must be efficiently protected. Issues of cognition, perfection, and realization of law have always been of great value for communication and interaction of people, resolution and prevention of conflicts between them. Historical way of the development of legal matter and spirit of different people was long and complex. It took some thousand years for people in their majority to understand, from the very beginning intuitively, and then more and more deliberately, the sense and the role of law in their lives. Nowadays these issues continue to remain topical, being shown both inside of the personal, and in interpersonal communications, in mutual relations between various associations, communities, and states.Research of above mentioned issues should be begun with a human being, whose essential features, ideal and behavioural images obviously or implicitly are connected with the law. Only a person among all other live beings possesses an intellect and is capable to feel and realize law, to observe legal establishments, and to adapt to legal activity. Any person is a social essence, who in the course of communication with similar like he/her can improve legal norms, create more and more convenient models of public behaviour. Living in this word, a human being lives in a legal system and owing to some social, economic, political and other factors of development cannot exist without the law. According to Chauhan (2004, p. 1), "human beings are rational beings. They, by virtue of their being h uman, possess certain basic and inalienable rights which are commonly known as human rights. These rights of human beings are not derived from being a national of certain state, but belong to them because of their very existence and are based upon the attributes of human personality"5. As a matter of fact we may consider the relations between a human and the law from two sides. From the one side a person acts only as a user, a consumer of this law. But there is the other side of these relations, when a person acts as a creator of this law. First of all it is necessary to understand that the law is an integral quality of a human and a property of its objective reality6. The European
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Nike Fuel Band Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nike Fuel Band - Essay Example Nike Fuel Bands are easy to set up as well as use, and they come in three sizes (the small, the medium or large, and the extra-large). Another feature on the wristband is a size space, which enables it to fit best. This product is also resistant to water and enjoys a long battery life (could go even for seven days) (Bergh & Behrer, 2013). Nike Fuel Band has an added advantage in the sense that it comes with a free mobile application (Nike+ Fuel Band). With this application, a person is able to track progress made, turning the movement tracked into Nike Fuel points. This can be synchronized using Bluetooth wireless to view results, the high points during the day, the achievements or trophies gained, and general progress made. In summary, the Nike Fuel Band tells a person how active they are and motivates any person who desires to increase their level of activity (Bergh & Behrer, 2013). Company Description Nike Fuel Band is an exclusive product of Nike, Inc. This is a corporation that is multinational and of American origin. Nike, Inc. can be rightfully termed as the leading innovator in the world when it comes to athletic footwear, equipment, apparel, and accessories. The company designs, also develops, sells, and markets its products and services throughout the world. The Nike, Inc. company has its headquarters in the county of Washington, Oregon (close to Beaverton), in the United States of America. When it was founded, it went by the name Blue Ribbon Sports. This was on 25th of January, the year 1964 by two men who were visionary and dared to be pioneers of the athletic footwear revolution. The men who brought this redefinition to the industry were Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman. The company became known as Nike, Inc. officially on 30 May 1971. The Nike acronym is taken from a Greek mythology and was ascribed to the goddess of victory (Bergh & Behrer, 2013). Nike, Inc. as a company has what it believes in and this is that any person, who has a body, can become an athlete. This underpins the company’s vision of promoting mobility, comfort, and style through its gear as a whole (footwear, accessories, equipment, and apparel). The mission statement of the company is encapsulated in bringing inspiration as well as innovation to each athlete all over the world. This commitment is evident in the new and extremely innovative methods that Nike, Inc. is using in development of athletic products that are superior (Moe & Grahn, 2012). The company also uses methods that are very creative when it comes to direct communication with consumers. Nike, Inc. has experienced dynamic expansion that includes growing strongly in China. Product Life Cycle The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is the life span of a certain product. Product Life Cycle is a theory, which has its basis on the way a product evolves. This movement takes place in four steps that are from start to the end. The first step in the process of Product Life Cycle is the introduction of a produ ct, and then moves to the stage of growth, maturity stage follows, and finally there is a decline in the sales of the product. This information is usually displayed in a Product Life Cycle Curve, which depicts the level of sales of a product against time (different phases). The Nike Fuel Band is in the growth stage of the Product Life Cycle. This is evidenced by its presence in the market and exponential growth of its sales since being introduced into the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Lenins View of Economic Policies in Russia Essay Example for Free
Lenins View of Economic Policies in Russia Essay Lenins view of economic polices in Russia between 1917 and 1923 was shaped by the factors of War Communism, and the New Economic Plan (NEP). Lenin realized that to have a successful economy and to keep the idea of equality in Communism there had to be a compromise; there needed to be a balance of state control and individual incentive for the economy to prosper. Through the failure of War Communism and the success of the economy and the drift away from Communism with the NEP; Lenin learned the dos and donts of a successful economy. Lenin described what the country needed to do to have a successful economy, he said, We have found that a degree of private commercial interest, with state supervision and control of that interest, is all we actually need (doc. 5). This shows how both War Communism and the NEP were factors that shaped Lenins compromising idea of what a economy needed to be successful. The War Communism policy was adopted to keep the Red Army supplied. During War Communism the government took control of industry, and told factories what to produce; and the government would take any grain that was produced by the farmers. The Cheka would steel the grain that the farmers produced, this made the farmers angry and they no longer had any incentive to grow crops because the crops would just be taken away from them. Also money became worthless, wages were paid in food or other goods, and many people bartered goods instead of using money. The situation for the farmers and the peasants got worse. By 1921 Russias economy was shattered. Industrial production had drastically decreased; and the cities were in chaos. Agriculture had been demolished. War Communism was put in affect to increase the productivity of both industrial goods and food, but the workers and farmers saw no point in putting in the effort if in the end it would be taken away from them. War Communism led to the destruction of the economy of Russia. Lenin finally admitted that War Communism was a mistake, he said, The small farmer needs a spur, and incentive that accords with his condition We are very much to blame for having gone to far; we overdid the nationalization of industry and trade, clamping down on the local exchange of commodities. Was that a mistake? It certainly was. (doc. 4) This quote is an example of how Lenin realized that he had made a mistake and this quote also shows that Lenin understands that the workers and farmers need an incentive to work; with an incentive the economy will grow. Lenins view of economic policies was greatly influenced by the failure of War Communism, and by the failure he was able to figure out another system that would revive Russias economy. Lenin realized that to have a successful economy the people have to have the incentive to work. Lenin also knew that if he did not improve the economic state of Russia that the Communists would not survive; War Communism took the safety net away from the Communists. Lenin had to act quickly to figure out another policy that would make the people want to work, and to revive the economy. In 1921 the NEP was created to fix the economy. Lenin created this new policy to try to burst the morale of the people and make them want to produce more grain or products. The transition form War Communism to the NEP was drastic, the people had to change there lives to fit this new, more capitalists society. Though the change to a more capitalist economy, the NEP was successful in jump starting the farming production, for example. Lenin says, Release of [surplus goods] into circulation would stimulate small farming, which is in terrible state (doc. 4) This is a great example of how Lenin realizes why he needs to change from the War Communism to the NEP, for a least one reason to increase the amount of grain produced. The creation of the NEP changed many laws that were once holding Russias economy back. Grain requisitioning was stopped. Grain was no longer taken from the peasants. Also traders could buy and sell goods, which was illegal during War Communism. Smaller factories were returned to their former owners; and they were allowed to sell the goods they made and make a profit from them. Finally larger industries like coal and steel remained under state control; but some larger factories were able to sell their products. These were some of the main differences between War Communism and NEP. During the NEP the economy prospered, because people were now allowed to keep some of the goods they made and then sell them for their own profit. This made the people want to produce more so they could have more for their family. Lenin described some of the good affects that the NEP had, he said, We have achieved much with our requisitioning system. Our food policy has made it possible in the second year to acquire three times as much grain as in the first. (doc. 2) Lenin was talking about the great increase in the production of grain, this great increase was directly related to the NEP; because the peasants could keep some of the grain they made which gave them an incentive to work hard. Communists were angry because they saw the country returning to capitalism. They did not like the fact that bosses of factories called kulacks could hire men to work for them. Also Communists disliked the Nepmen, because they made a high profit by buying goods cheaply and then selling them for more. Though the NEP revived the economy, people, especially peasants were unhappy with the new capitalist society. Lenins view of economic policies was changed through the NEP, he knew that people need the incentive to work, but he also knew he could not give the people to much economic freedom; the idea of balancing the policy of War Communism and NEP was Lenins final view of how to keep the people happy and to sustain a great economy.
Friday, September 20, 2019
What Are The Uses Of Nanotechnology Environmental Sciences Essay
What Are The Uses Of Nanotechnology Environmental Sciences Essay Nanoscience and nanotechnology congers up visions of making, imaging, manipulating and utilizing things really small and the defining feature of nanochemistry is the utilization of synthetic chemistry to make nanoscale building blocks of different size and shape, composition and surface structure, charge and functionality[1]. The initial concepts of nanotechnology were decribed by Richard Feynman in 1959 when he gave a talk describing a process involving individual atoms and molecules that could be manipulated. Professor Taniguchi later helped define nanotechnology as a process involving separation, consolidation and deformation of materials on particles the size of an atom or a molecule[2]. The national nanotechnology initiative describes nanotechnology as the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometres where unique phenomena enable novel applications[3]. The nanotechnology field is interdisciplinary and spans across physics, biology, chemistry, medicine, materials science and computing[4] and requires engineering at a nanoscale. A nanometre is equal to a billionth of a metre (10-9) and nanotechnology can be defined based on its scale being less than 100nm[5]. The science of nanoscale materials is said to fall between the extremes of 1nm and 1 Â µm lengths[1]. Nanotechnology incorporates science and technology to allow manipulation of atoms and molecules to create new systems, materials and devices with at least one feature of less than 100 nm in size. This provides the capacity to work at the molecular level, atom by atom, to create large structures with fundamentally new molecular organisation[6] which significantly contributes to enhanced material properties in physical, chemical and biological aspects as a result of their nanoscale caliber[6]. At the nanoscale materials have different properties; silver and gold nanoparticles hav e catalytic properties whilst pieces visual to the human eye are inert and unreactive. This is due to smaller particles having a much larger surface are to volume ratio and at sizes below 100 nm quantum effects become apparent. Fabrication on a nanoscale requires the use of molecules as building blocks. There are two approaches taken towards nanotechnology. The top-down approach uses conventional methods of micro fabrication extending them into the molecular size regime and includes electron beam and X-ray lithography. The bottom up approach incorporates the principles of self-assembly extending them from the molecular into the micrometer size regime which in a way mimics the way nature constructs biological systems and requires suitable building blocks. In 1959 hypothetical concepts and experimental results for nano-size materials and devices appeared, however the recent scientific developments have encouraged a revival of activity and created developments in the nanoscience field[1]. Nanotechnology has followed on from micro-engineering where tolerances of 10-6m have become common in the motor vehicle and aerospace industries allowing the manufacture of high quality and safer transportation. In the computing industry the miniaturization revolution has become most apparent. The worlds first stored-program electronic digital computer nicknamed the baby was built in Manchester in 1948 and had the processing power equivalent to that of a mobile phone yet the machine itself filled an entire room. Today the components of a computer have been de-scaled down to the size of a mobile phone and contain nano features, whilst they can process information much faster. Nanoscience is already a leading solution provider to many societal, health and environmental problems and due to its high potential for future developments it is attracting large amounts of funding. Nanotechnology has played a vital part in major revolutionary advances in medicine. Nanoparticles can be used to help faster detection of diseases. They are introduced into the body and bind to targeting antibodies which in turn will bind to the diseased cells and creates a fluorescent glow which can be detected by an imaging system which pinpoints the location of the disease from early onset. There are nano coatings that can repel dirt and prevent the spread of mrsa which has recently become a problem in hospitals. Nanotechnology is creating a path for faster diagnosis of disease and more accurate drug targeting using smaller quantities of drugs, hence reducing toxicity to the body. Looking from an environmental aspect nanotechnology is helping to develop cheaper and more efficient solar energy cells to be used in homes as a cleaner energy source. Nanotechnology is responsible for the production of environmentally friendly nanocoatings which are highly effective and not toxic to the environment, which can be used to replace toxic cadmium and chromium coatings that are currently used. There are nanocoatings which can protect materials making them more durable and resistant to scratches and graffiti. Nanoparticles can be used to invisibly tag things which make it easier for identification purposes and for crime prevention. Nanotechnology has allowed for tougher car tyres, improved sun creams, cheaper solar cells, stronger aeroplane wings, more sensitive and specific sensors, more efficient catalysts, hydrogen storage, tougher fabrics, new materials for sports equipment such as golf clubs and to reinforce the frames and strings on tennis racquets, intelligent glass for windows and glasses, flat screen TV screens among many other things. Carbon nanotubes are highly electrically and thermally conductive and have a tensile strength one hundred times stronger than steel whilst being a lot lighter. The highly desirable properties of carbon nanotubes allow tremendous future possibilities for aviation, military and medical applications. Carbon nanotubes and other materials such as plastics and textiles can be combined to produce lightweight bullet proof vests. Silver nanoparticles are present in socks and help combat bad odour by killing bacteria and this idea has been mimicked in dressing for wounds to keep them sterile. Nanotechnologies have enabled self-cleaning and dirt repellent clothes, which contributes to reducing the energy used to wash them. Nanotechnology developments in the pipeline include carbon nanotubes that can generate heat and may be ideal for electric blankets or as wall paper to heat cold walls and insulate homes. Research currently in process includes polymer based nanofibres that can be filled with nanoparticles, enzymes, catalysts, or an antibacterial. The nanofibres can be sprayed onto cut and wounds to activate the healing process or used to form temporary membranes or filters in the body. Nanoelectric devices have been embedded into textiles and can monitor internal temperature, chemical sensing and provide support for people that partake in extreme sports or for firefighters and other professions wherer this could be a vital piece of equipment. To support these nanoelectric devices research is being conducted on the viability of man made nanfibres which are used to present new properties such as shock absorbance, strength, heat stability and fire retardancy. Encapsulation is a process which increases th e performance or shelf like of a less stable substance and has been used in the nanoencapsulation of cancer drugs to increase their efficiency. It can help to deliver improved taste and protects food substances from harsh processing environments and in household cleaning products they can provide longer lasting scented household fragrances and also to help reduce energy and water use by slowly releasing enzymes in washing detergents. Nanoscale manufacture is already well established with food companies. Several foods and drinks comprise of natural nanoscale ingredients which can be manipulated which often happens in the manufacture of dairy produce[3]. Nanotechnology has been used to incorporate new tastes, flavours, physical effects and health benefits to foods as well improving food manufacture standards by being used to create antibacterial surfaces, packaging that is protected against contamination and special filters that can remove impurities and toxic chemicals[3]. Research in the motor industry is offering applications of nanotechnology to provide improved fuel cells for cleaner energy, more efficient catalysts, corrosion and scratch protection as well as stronger yet lighter engines and other motor parts. Nanoparticles are currently present as additives in fuels which enable lower fuel consumption and decrease any toxic emissions and research is being conducted to develop way in which nanotechnology coul d eradicate hazardous reactants and toxic emissions altogether. Cars are benefiting from nano-sensors which are reducing collisions and can detect part failures within the vehicles. The benefits surrounding the use of nanotechnology in our every day lives is endless, it is obvious that nanotechnology could shape the world of the future and contribute to developing a sustainable environment; maybe one day nanoscience could contribute to ending world hunger. Cancer could be eradicated as surgical procedures are carried out at the molecular level and eventually with nanosurgery everything could hopefully be repairable. However without the cycle of life and death the population on the world would increase to an unmanageable amount that would affect the sustainable environment we are supposedly aiming to achieve. Future developments of nanotechnology are totally unpredictable and the nanoscience phenomenon is still in its early stages. While the many benefits of nanotechnology are apparent, scientists are nervous about what the future may hold and concerns surrounding the ability to make materials come to life via means of reconstruction on the molecular level are most daunting. A particular concern is the development of nanorobotics that could potentially lead to nanorobots taking on human duties which would endanger and unbalance the world economy. However nanoscience is in the responsibility of the scientists and out of our hands for the time being, there are people who fear the future of nanotechnologies and there are those who are looking forward to their developments. Like with any new technology on the market, nanotechnologies also pose potential risks which need to be fully understood in order to optimize the advantages of using nanotechnology regularly. Once embedded in polymers nanoparticles are very safe, yet there is some uncertainty surrounding free nanoparticles and the health threats posed if inhaled. The government and the nanotechnology industry are extremely aware of the possible risks, it is not doubted that nanotechnology can bring profound benefits to society but these various applications of nanotechnology need to be supervised and maintained to safe and risk free level. Public concern surrounding nanotechnology is limited as a large population of the public have not yet heard of nanotechnology[7] and those who have dont fully understand what it actually entails[8-10]. A study in France confirmed that 81.5% of the participants had little or no knowledge about nanotechnology (table 1) [7]. Social scientists have researched what influences public perception of new up coming technologies like nanotechnology[11]. A recent study in March 2011, Comparing nanoparticle risk perceptions to other known EHS risks has concluded that the public are relatively unconcerned about nanotechnology risks and the risks of nanotechnology perceived by the public are relatively low compared to other health and environmental risks ( fig 1.)[9]. In this study the public have ranked street drugs as the highest posed risk followed by smoking, AIDS, nuclear waste and obesity. Nanoparticles have been ranked on the low end of the scale, 20th out of 24, along with X-rays, air trave l and mobile phone use[9]. Fig.1. Rankings by high health risk perceptions[9]. A survey of the public perceptions about the use of nanotechnology in foods and food packaging concluded that the public are ambiguous and pessimistic surrounding applications in the food industry[7]. However the study only surveyed 752 individuals, so this is not a true and fair representation of the views of the public world or UK wide. The study titled The public understanding of the food domain was carried out in France and revealed that the general consensus of the participants was that they were doubtful about nanotechnology in food and food packaging and hence viewed that the benefits equalled the risks[7]. However as the percentage of unfamiliarity surrounding nanotechnology of the participants was extremely high[7] it could be argued that with more understanding of the topic participants and also the rest of the public would be more swayed to support nanotechnology if they were more informed of the benefits and risks. The unknown causes people to be doubtful and cynical and view something they have no knowledge about in a negative light. Evidence suggests that the public however perceive nanotechnology to pose more of a risk than experts do but generally the public believe that the benefits associated with nanoscience outweigh the impact of risk[10, 12]. Table 1. Frequencies and percentages: nanotechnology food packaging (nano-outside), nanofood (nano-inside) and nanotech familiarity (N=752) [7]. After the public backlash against genetically modified foods the public perceptions of new and emerging technologies are highly valued and extremely important and need to considered fully[13]. Given the important and lucrative benefits of nanotechnology for the future the public need to be made fully aware of the advantages before they make negative judgements themselves based on their lack of knowledge surrounding the topic. Uninformed people will automatically have a negative biased opinion of new technology if they are not slowly introduced to the idea and made aware of the advantages before they hear about the minor risks and pass judgement themselves. People in industry fear that without more research and public awareness there may be an outcry against their use of nanomaterials[14]. It was reported that increased education on new technologies led to increased public anxiety of the subject[15]. Will giving the public more information, provide them with more ammunition for a repeat of the public out cries against genetically modified foods and gene technology. Communication between the public and decision makers in nanoscience and the government needs to be established sooner rather than later to gain the public approval and to ensure there isnt a repeat performance of the GM food backlash[13]. Already public protestors present at Nanotechnology debates held in France in 2010 chanted Nano, its not green, its totalitarian[16]. Public perception depends upon the type of utilization surrounding the new technology [17] and most of the time applications involving food and medicine are considered to cause the most controversy in the public eye[18, 19]. A Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution in the UK found no evidence that nanomaterials have harmed people or the environment, but recommended further research and evidence to confirm this[14]. The public need to hear positive evidence surrounding the safety of nanotechnology maybe before they are introduced to current and future developments. Public concern includes whether manufacturers and industry will benefit more in terms of revenue from nanotechnology than the consumers[20]. The concern over nanotechnology in food is more of a worry to the public than its use in packaging which is deemed to be quite useful in fact [20]. Titanium-dioxide, one of the most commonly used nanoparticles used in consumer products such as sun creams [21] has recently been slated after finding that Titanium dioxide nanoparticles caused chromosomal damage, as well as inflammation, all of which increase the risk of cancer when tests were carried out on mice[22]. However a year later the same source of information, UCLAs NanoSystems Institute revealed how nanoparticles have been used in the delivery of cancer drug therapy in mice[23] which could have huge potential in the development of human anti-cancer drugs. As of yet the various warnings against nanotechnology can not be justified as there is a lack of concrete evidence to support such claims against nanotechnology. According to new laws from the European Parliament cosmetics containing nanomaterials will have to be duly labelled and the new regulation states Nanomaterials: labelling, definition and safety assessment needed[24]. After Germanys Federal Environment Agency revealed a report about nanotechnology[25] which consequently lead to media headlines reading The German Environment agency warns against nanotechnology and Nanotechnology can make you sick[26] the environment agency retaliated by declaring that we havent done any of our own research and as a result feel the report has been misinterpreted [27]. This is an example of fabrication of warnings against nanotechnology and without adequate evidence the public misconception with regards to new nanotechnology will continue. A report published in 2010, Report on the European Commissions Public Online Consultation towards a Strategic Nanotechnology Action Plan concluded a number of points related to public concerns with regards to nanotechnology amongst other cohorts[28]. The majority public opinion on nanotechnologies was reasonably optimistic and not a single person voted opposed towards nanotechnologies (fig). The public perceived food and healthcare to be most at risk with respect to nanotechnology (fig). Toxic nanomaterials and the nanomaterial workers health were both highlighted as being the most important major issues the public had concern over (fig). The general consensus across all areas questioned was that more action needed to be done with regards to the EU Policies in the new action plan. The areas highlighted the most included addressing safety concerns, developing better tools and adapting existing nanomaterial legislation (fig). Fig.[28] Fig. [28] Fig. Public concerns about the current state of development of nanotechnologies[29]. Fig. [28]
Thursday, September 19, 2019
To Be Someone, To Belong:The Black Womyns Experience in Rastafari :: essays papers
"To Be Someone, To Belong":The Black Womyn's Experience in Rastafari Introduction Upon seeing various Jamaican films and listening to various reggae artists, a constant question running through my mind was,"Where are all the womyn?"In all of the films it seemed as though there were virtually no womyn in Jamaica, and those that were there were only on the periphery, not playing a main role in everyday life. Those films that depicted the Rastafarian way of life seemed to show no womyn in them either. I was somewhat confused about the seeming absence of womyn, and it forced me to question their role in Jamaican and Rastafarian society. My questions regarding this issue were pushed further when a friend of mine returned home from Jamaica and expressed the same kinds of concerns. She said that during the few weeks she spent there she had seen maybe a dozen or two dozen Jamaican womyn altogether. As I moved further into my studies of Rastafarianism and reggae music, I noticed how gendered the language in both the religious tenets and music lyrics was. As a western womyn, this was peculiar to me. As you can notice, I don't even write the word"womyn"with the"man"in it. I find it insulting that my identity should be bound up in that of the opposite sex. I am entrenched in the world of political correctness and gender neutrality. However, reggae music and other rhetorical pieces of literature from Rastafari do not contain the same element of neutral gender identity as the United States has been moving towards. Rather, much of it is framed in a male or masculinist language. This implanted a few suspicions within me about the possibility of Rastafarianism being somewhat patriarchal, but, I was at first unwilling to accept the idea. I felt that this was impossible due to the fact that Rastafarianism was such a socially conscious movement dealing with the horrors of oppression and ex ploitation of blacks. However, it seems as though the impossible is possible, or at least mostly possible, and traditional Rastafarianism enforces rules and cultural norms that keep womyn in the subordinate, domesticated realm of everyday life. Yet, in the last thirty years or so, those rules and norms have been slowly challenged by a new generation of Rastafarian womyn who no longer accept their inferior position and are demanding greater equality. These womyn, some of whom turn to reggae to promote their own socially conscious ideas, symbolize the growing consciousness of womyn in Jamaica and other majority world countries who have experienced centuries of oppression.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Memory :: essays research papers fc
I. Introduction      II. Dementia      Senility is a misused term for the loss of ability to think, reason, and remember in older persons. Senility is not a medical condition; it is not normal, natural, or inevitable with aging; it is not limited to older people either. The term senility is replaced in most of my pertinent research by the medical term dementia, which seems to describe a group of symptoms that represent a change or deterioration from an individual's previous level of functioning (Tueth, 1995). Dementia has specific causes, which impair long-term memory and quite relevantly;: language, judgment, spatial perception, behavior, and often personality, interfering with normal social and occupational functioning. Most dementias are evidently both progressive and irreversible. According to Cummings (1995) after the age of 60, the frequency of dementia in the population statistically doubles every 5 years: that is to say it affects only 1% of 60-64-year-olds but 30-40% of those over age 85 (Cummings, 1995).      The most common causes of dementia are Alzheimer's Disease (Tueth, 1995), and vascular problems or problems related to a stroke (Yoshitake et al., 1995) . Depression, believed to cause some symptoms of dementia, may be as common in early dementia as it is by itself and may improve with prompt treatment even in people with dementia. The risk of dementia increases with age. Although statistics concerning those who have dementias worldwide are not known, it is known that most dementias are not reversible but that people with dementia can function better with treatment of other medical or sensory problems , and optimal social and environmental support. From what I have learned, stimulation and activity can also help people with dementia. It is very important to note that minor memory problems in older people previously attributed to senility may have other causes, such as distraction, fatigue, grief, stress, alcohol, sensory loss, difficulty with concentration or inability to remember many details at once, illness, or medications (Cummings, 1995). Confusion and disorientation caused by these problems may apparently be reversible though. III. Examining Alzheimer's Disease By definition, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an incurable degenerative disease of the brain. AD is a progressive dementing illness in which the core symptom is long-term memory loss (Tueth, 1995). Other associated symptoms include impairments in language, abstract reasoning, and visual spatial abilities as previously described in dementia. Personality changes are common and range from apathy to restless agitation. These are said to be directly related to memory difficulties (inferred from Elias, 1992). Psychiatric symptoms, including depression, delusions, and hallucinations, may also occur during the course of AD resulting somewhat from the severe loss of memory.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Hardships of a New Nation :: essays research papers
There were many hardships in the begining of America within the government, domestically, and with foreign policy. Mostly between the years of 1789 - 1824. These are some of the topics I will be explaining. Judiciary Act of 1789, Whiskey Rebellion, Alien and Sedition Acts, Luisianna Purchase, Missurri Compromise, and the 12th Amendment. Domestically there were problems/hardhips as a new country. But the Judiciary Act of 1789 helped that problem out a lot, it answered critical questions, creating judicial structure and that has remained essentially intact. It provided for a supreme court consisting of a Cheif Justice and five associate justices. It also set up three federal circuit courts and thirteen federal district courts throughout thee country. During Washingtons second term, congress had passed a protective tariff, an important tax on goods produced in europe. Most whiskey producers were small fronteir farmers. Their major crop was corn. The farmers distilled the corn into whiskey which could be more easily sent to the market on the backs of mules. In 1794 the farmers refused to pay the tax and Hamilton looked upon the whikey rebellion as an opportunity to show that the govt. could enforce a law along the wetern frontier. Alien and Sedition Acts and the Luisiana Purchase were harships within the foriegn policy part of our new nation. The alien acts raised the residence requirement for American citizenship from five years to fourteen years and allowed the president to deport or jail any alien uconsidered undesirable. The seditiona act set fines and jail terms for anyone expressing opinions considered damaging to the government. With the Luisiana Purchase which included all the land drained by the western tributaries of the Mississippi River the size of the United States more than doubled. Jefferson who wanted to simplify and decentralize the government, had instead expanded the power of the presidency and the central government. he last thing I wil be discussing will be the harships we faced in our Government as a new nation. Like the Missouri Compromise.
To Kill a Mocking Bird Outline.
6. 02 Reasearch Paper Outline. Directions: Fill in the blanks to create a draft of your outline Title ___Is to Kill A mocking Bird A timeless Clasisic. ________________________________________________ Paragraph I:The Great Novel To Kill A Mocking Bird Stands As A Timless Classic Due To Many Different Reasons Based On Knowledge Apon Morality,Maturity,And Racism. A. Can One Race of People Stand Out To be More Superior To the Other? B. Hate Crimes Subject African Amercians As victims C.Thesis statement (Make it only ONE sentence): Harper Lee expresses Three Main forms of Racism predjuice of outsiders,stereotypes and discrimination. **Remember, you have to PROVE your thesis for this paper** Paragraph II: __________Narration Of Background_______________ (Put your topic here. Remember 1 idea per paragraph) A. Exploting others for own personal gain B. Racism taking advantage of minorities innonce. C:Mayella Ewell Calling An innoncent Black Man(Tom Robinson)Into Her Home. Paragraph III: ___C onformation/Argument. _____________________(Put your topic here. Remember 1 idea per paragraph) A: Atticus knows that Tom is Innocent,due to the knowledge he has apon him,along with the morality he himself has an character. B: Just like the Ewells story used against Tom,Racism is based apon personal gain. C: Atticus advice towards scout shoes his maturity level when he defends Tom†You never can really know a man until you climb his skin,and walk around in it†. Paragraph IV: _______Lessons Within A story_________________(Put your topic here.Remember 1 idea per paragraph) A: Topics Discussed apon knowledge,maturity,and racism Let the reader decide. B:There is no inequality in america. c. Morality is overlooked Paragraph V:To kill A mocking Bird Still With Stabds its releveance due to the issues being discussed at the time still occuring today. A. Naration of background. B. Conformation/Argument C: Lessons Within A story C. Did you ever wonder why Harper Lee Chose To Title The Novel To Kill A Mocking Bird,and What it truly stands for? To Kill Innonce.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Why so minorities in us prisons
There are a majority of minorities in the U. S. Prisons because of lack of education, low or falling wages, and low parental or family guidance, parents being incarcerated as they were child and poor conditions after they have been released from Jail or prison. These are the top few reasons for the large numbers of minorities in the prison population. Many have disagreed on these findings, but three researchers at Princeton University have concluded that these are the primary causes with the high population of minorities in the U.S. Prisons and Jails. According to Bruce Western, Meredith Clambake and Jake Responded during the asses through asses at least two- thirds of the population of criminals were placed in state or federal prisons for a felony conviction with a sentence of a year or maybe even longer depending on the crimes the inmates have committed. Between these years the rate in population averaged about one hundred to one hundred thousand of the U. S. Population to 470 pris oners per the population of one hundred thousand in 2001. The gap continued to grow between the rich and poor and had affected the admission rate because of he increasing crime offenses being committed among the low income men†. Jacobs & Helms 1996)(Greenberg & Western 2001). When Western and his colleagues continued their work they found out that in 2009 the ratios for the minorities against Caucasians was sufficiently much higher than average. African- Americans were almost seven times higher than that of the Caucasian males. (4,749 African-Americans v. 708 Caucasians). The ratio of Hispanics compared to Caucasians was more than 2. 5 times higher (1,822 Hispanic males v. 08 Caucasian males). The female ratios are much lower than the males but are still found in the population of minorities housed in the Jails and prisons throughout the United States. The numbers for the African-American females rated 3. 5 times higher than the Caucasian females housed in the prison populatio n. (333 African-Americans v. 91 Caucasian females) and the Hispanic females are 1. 5 times higher than the Caucasian females within the general prison population. (142 Hispanic females v. 91 Caucasian females). These numbers are calculated by per 100,000 general population throughout the states Jails and prisons in the United States.The next stages of their research inducted was of the different labor markets or employment status of the minorities throughout the general population housed in the Jails and prisons throughout the United States. The labor markets have a big influence on the high rate of imprisonment in two ways: the dramatically falling of their wages and Job opportunities and this increases the crime offenses and rates at the bottom of the economic ladder and this ends up generating the higher arrest rates, convictions and prison admissions throughout the United States. Western & Petit 2001) When this happened in the asses through the asses most African Americans turne d to rug dealing and other crimes to compensate for the loss in income and Job opportunities. Western and Petit observed with their research that males of both ethnicities that had stable sector Jobs where the work is consistent, routine and monitored often commit less crimes compared to those of the secondary labor market where employment is irregular all the time and isn't reliable.When the wages and employment rates are low it sometimes leads to crime indirectly by undermining the bonds between family members and neighbors. During the years 1967 through 1998 youth homicides were weakly related to income inequality and reliably related only to unemployment rates among Caucasians but not for the African Americans. Messier, Rarefaction and McMillan (2001) When Western conducted ethnographic research he has identified entrepreneurial gangs as the key sources of economic opportunities for the young males throughout the urban communities characterized by the chronically high rates of u nemployment.One of Westerns colleagues Bourgeois in 1996 conducted research that the Hispanic drug gangs view the sales and distribution of illegal drugs to help the depleted economic opportunities in their inner cities in which they live. With Western and his colleagues this can be stated that the evidence of the young men in the poor urban neighborhoods resorted to drug dealing and other crimes such as rape, robbery, homicide , murder and other such crimes to help compensate the funding they have lost due to the low labor markets of the asses.With the conclusion of this information Western and his colleagues found out that due to lack of Job opportunities the inmates often resorted to other means of getting income that are most of the time found in either poorly stricken neighborhoods that don't have a lot of Jobs for the offenders or due to the inmates arrest history that prevents them from being hired or rehired in Jobs they had obtain before they were placed into the system.The next part of Western and his fellow colleague's research was that they conducted several theories whether or not parental or family guidance or influence had anything to do with the high imprisonment rates of the minorities that are placed into the Jails or prisons throughout the United States. When Western and his colleagues were conducting their research they had done a survey on several of the minority inmates that either had single parents or both parents at home with them before being incarcerated.With Western findings he also stated that â€Å"when there are families with two parents they can monitor their children's activities and help keep them from straying toward the peer networks that often lead to crimes for delinquency. Families that have only one parent often struggle with the falling wages and employment rates and their children often end up committing crimes with high levels of violence to help their parents make amends for their loss of income and they also didn't have that parent guidance or supervision to help them from straying towards the crime offenses. †Western and his colleagues also conducted more research in this topic on whether the parents being incarcerated had anything to do with this high number of minorities being in the prisons or Jails throughout the United States. Their findings were supported by the findings of other researchers studying the same topic. In 1995 researcher Nancy G. La Veggie and her colleagues of the Urban Institute Justice Policy Center did a study on thirty-six children of incarcerated parents and found that the results of the parents being incarcerated often caused chronic sleeplessness, difficulties concentrating and high rates of depression.One other study that was conducted during this time being showed sixteen percent of children with parents behind bars often developed temporary school phobias that would lead to the children not willing to attend school for six or more weeks following their pa rents being place into Jail or prison. The children also had a tendency of developing emotional responses that would eventually build and develop into long-term reactive behaviors, coping patterns and possibly even criminal activity.When Nancy and her colleagues finished their research they were able to determine that with at least one aren't being incarcerated presents a unique factor for the children of the age of 10 or lower made them have anti-social or delinquent behaviors that would lead them to eventually committing crimes and being placed into Jails and prisons. So with this research it shows the repeating factors that some kids end up eventually following their parent's footsteps and will be eventually placed into the system.They also showed us that it is a never ending cycle starting with the parents and eventually going to the children. These are why Western and his colleagues believed that with owe parental control or guidance played a huge factor. According to the 1997 survey conducted of the inmates housed in the state and federal prisons and Jails throughout the United States. Western and his colleagues found out that on average the inmates averaged less than eleven years of schooling compared to more than the thirteen years of schooling among the men under the age of forty in normal everyday society. Western ; Petit 2005). Most of the correctional facilities find out that the imprisonment rate for African Americans is seven times higher than those of the Caucasians. With this being said African American and Caucasian high school dropouts are five times more than likely to go to prison or Jail at a year's time compared to the men from both ethnicities that have completed school. Due to the combination of racial and educational inequality affects the young African American male dropout more than the Caucasian male dropout.Western & Petit estimated that one in six African American dropouts was incarcerated in state and federal prisons each year st arting in the asses. In 2001 one percent of college educated African Americans were incarcerated in prisons throughout the United States. By 2008 Western and his colleague's surveys read that thirty-five percent of African-American children between the grades seventh through twelfth have been suspended or expelled at some point throughout their schooling careers compared to the twenty percent of Hispanics and the fifteen percent of Caucasian men.With the increasing crime rates in the poor urban neighborhoods provides the explanation that the rising rates of incarceration affected the young minority men and women that had little to no schooling at all which is why there are so many minorities in the orisons or Jails throughout the United States. The effects of incarceration on the life chances of inmates are profoundly detrimental.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Was the Great Depression the main reason why the Nazi Party grew between 1929 and 1932?
In my opinion, I believe that the Great Depression was the most significant factor towards the growth of the Nazi Party as this was the time when the Nazi Party grew rapidly from only 12 seats in May 1928 to 107 in September 1930 and became the second largest party in Germany, following after the KPD. This was down to the economic crisis in the aftermath of the Wall Street Crash, which weakened the Weimar Republic by discrediting its policies, consequently making the democratic politics less popular.The government seemed powerless to stop the depression, especially because Stresemann, an influential democratic politician, had died in October 1929. The government knew that they couldn’t print any more money due to the hyperinflation back in 1923 so Chancellors, Muller and Bruning, raised taxes, cut wages and reduced unemployment benefit. However this resulted in the unemployment rate continuing to rise to 6 million by early 1933.The German economy was extremely vulnerable at th is point, as they had lost their short-term foreign loans so beggars, bootlace sellers and match sellers preoccupied the streets of Berlin and the government became the ‘scapegoat’ for these economic disasters. There was now less support for the Weimar Republic than ever before and middle class democratic parties associated with the Republic declined and people turned to extremist alternatives such as the Nazis, which led to a rapid increase in votes. Therefore, it is clear to see that the Great Depression was the main reason why the Nazi Party grew between 1929 and 1932.Furthermore, Nazi Propaganda is less important than the Great Depression towards the growth of the Party but also had a large part to play as Goebbels’s propaganda techniques marked a new approach in electioneering. The Nazis used ‘up to date’ technology such as loudspeakers, which were placed in every workplace and public area to ensure that everyone heard the Nazi’s views an d cheap radios made sure the Nazis could gain votes from distant areas such as East Prussia without even having to travel there.They also began to use modern vehicles like cars and aeroplanes, not only for the practical purpose of transporting Hitler quickly between places, but also to project a contemporary statesman-like image. This form of propaganda was particularly used in the Presidential campaign of 1932 where Hitler came second after the re-elected Hindenburg. The Nazis also showed their mastery of propaganda by using mass rallies to create an atmosphere so emotional that all members of the audience would have to give in to them.These concert-like events included uniforms, torches, music and flags to intensify the effect. One of the Nazis most well known methods of propaganda was their slogans, both vague and direct, for example, â€Å"to make Germany great again†which appealed to everyone and anyone or â€Å"blood and soil†which was directed purposely at far mers, persuading them that the Nazis really cared for them and would try their hardest to improve their facilities.Ultimately, Nazi Propaganda was necessary for the acquisition of power by Hitler and the growth of the Party, however by itself it was not enough in view of the Nazi Party’s failure to achieve and absolute majority. In addition, the Sturmabteilung, otherwise known as the SA, storm troopers of brown shirts, were also of crucial importance to the increase in Nazi votes as they were used at mass rallies to provide an image of strength to attract anti-communists voters and at the same time, intimidated political opposition and even the government as they held a well deserved reputation for thuggery.By 1932 the SA had become a large force of 300,000 and by early 1933 the only alternative to Nazi-inspired civil war appeared to be Hitler becoming Chancellor. Therefore, the SA was one of the main reasons for the growth of the Nazi Party, although it was not the most impo rtant. Finally, the growth of the Nazi party would have never happened without the vital role played by the fear of Communism.Ordinary Germans, particularly businessmen and farmers, were frightened of the Communists taking over in their own country. Communists didn't believe in religion, so this worried churchgoers too. From the start, Hitler said he would fight Communism and he sent his own private army, the SA, to fight with Communists hence by 1932, persistent street violence between the extremists of left and right was taking hold in cities and in the month of July 1932 alone, 86 people were killed as a result of these political fights.Hitler gained much support from the middle and upper classes, which included businessmen, landowners, and factory owners and so on because he promised to deal with the Communist threat. Therefore, it is clear to see that this factor played a major role in the Nazi Party’s growth however, in my opinion, it is the least important out of the f our factors that I have stated. In conclusion, none of these factors can be viewed in isolation and the Nazi Party wouldn’t have grown as much as it did without the combination of all of these factors as they link together.In many ways, although the Great Depression is the most important factor, the growth of the Nazis would never have happened without the other three factors, especially the use of Goebbels’s propaganda techniques, as these aided the Nazis into becoming better known so people could turn to them as extremist alternatives to the middle class democratic parties associated with the Weimar Republic after the Depression.Also, without the help of the SA and the fear of communism, the German population may have turned to other parties instead of the Nazis. Another link is that the fear of communism helped set up the importance of the SA as their violent actions towards the communists showed their strength to appeal to anti-communist voters and began to intimid ate the Nazi’s challengers. Therefore, ultimately all the reasons are closely connected and without each other, thing may have turned out very differently for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Personal Ethic Statement Essay
VirtuePersonal Ethics Statement Personal ethics provides a foundation for an individuals’ moral scale. It reflects personal beliefs on values, morals, right, and wrong. Personal ethics is influenced by family, friends, community, religion, culture, and coworkers; and that can have a positive or negative impact. Personal ethics varies from person to person; some points may be similar whereas others will differ. Personal ethics drives actions, and to some point, emotions day by day. Depending, on the individual our personal ethics and where we stand will lead us on a path of failure or success. According to my Ethical Lens Inventory, my preferred ethical lens is Rights- Responsibility and Results Lens (Ethical Lens Inventory Games), meaning that I can think rationally and still be emotionally balanced while coming up with a solution for the greater good of the people. I value independence and individual rights while making sure everyone is treated fairly. I am optimistic and like to bring new ideas to the table that someone may not have seen before. My blind spot is â€Å"Belief that motives justify methods or your own good is good†(Ethical Lens Inventory Games). Sometimes I let people down who are depending on me. I can ignore other problems as long as mines are solved. My strengths are â€Å"Self Knowledge and Free will†(Ethical Lens Inventory Games) I believe in balancing responsibility and entrepreneurship. I believe everyone should be accountable and self-reliant because I am so I expect that from others. My weakness is once I have made up my mind about something that I can close the door on other interpretation. I also have to accept that I cannot do everything by myself and that if I do not take the time to reflect that I can fail and become exhausted. My values are Autonomy, Rationality, Sensibility, Temperance, and Prudence (Ethical Lens Inventory Games). As a result of my personal background and what I have learned, I have placed prominence on being independent but also accepting help from others. My course of action is taking and accepting responsibility for my own actions. I have high expectations and my actions will determine my level of success. I will take time out to reflect on who I am, who I want to become and how I am going to get there. I am going to do what is right and in my heart. I will not change who I am for others even if they dislike me. I will follow the golden rule and treat people how I want to be treated. I will be fair to others and avoid being biased. I will fulfill my duties for those counting on me, and be respectful and show dignity for myself and for others. I will never settle for less and try my hardest at everything that I do, and seek continued improvement. References Ethics Games. Ethical Lens Inventory Report. Retrieved from http://www. ethicsgames. com
Friday, September 13, 2019
Management communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management communication - Essay Example However, in this situation, we have seen that there has been discrimination in the Dewey Ballantine community, particular against the Asian community, for which please consider this a sincere apology. We do realize that the Asian community seems to have been targeted during this scenario which is not the intended purpose of the various types of communication that have gone out from the partners. Rather, it has been a sincere effort only to realize some facts that the partners actually considered importance in terms of the rights of certain communities including animals. Despite that, the partners should have considered the type of message such communication should send across to certain community members before sending out that email pertaining to puppies. It was noted that the Asian community therefore was offended when this email was sent out because it seemed to completely counter the cultural elements of the Asians and thus we understand that this can create differences amongst employees within the organization. We also realize that this problem may actually persist and cannot be handled lightly. This understanding between communities and their cultural elements must be developed amongst each employee in order to avoid such problems in the future, thus Dewey Ballantine will not take a low profile in this case. Since this ideology of cultural differences can take a twist for the worse as well, it is important that instead of a tarnished reputation, Dewey Ballantine takes corrective as well as preventive steps in order to make sure this situation does not arise again. Therefore, the organization is looking into developing communication guidelines that can help avoid such inclusion of community based elements such that situations like these do not arise in the future. These communication guidelines will include all elements pertaining to culture that would need to be avoided so that
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Differentiating for Learning Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Differentiating for Learning Profile - Essay Example Also, other ways include verbalizing the content, creating logical understanding, kinesthetic understanding, interpersonal understanding, intrapersonal understanding and, finally, naturalizing the content (Mulligan, 2005). These are just some of the broad ways students can be grouped in classes. With regards to students who understand the content through creating rhythms, educators should encourage them to sing what they are taught or create a beat about the content (Mulligan, 2005). Also, creating cheers, jingles and humming sounds will enable a student to remember what he or she was taught. Students who understand what they are taught through verbalizing the content could be encouraged to read it, spell the content, write it and listen to content. Students who, on the other hand, understand the content through visualizing it should be offered graphic organizers, color codes, videos or charts in order to understand the content fully. Students who kinesthetically understand things sh ould be encouraged to role-play the content (Mulligan, 2005). This is through assuming that the student is, in fact, the content being discussed. Finally, a student who understands the content through naturalizing it should label the content. They should also categorize the content and identify it (Mulligan, 2005). ... Others speak English as a second language while some may be talented and gifted. Still others might struggle with mental, physical, emotional or behavioral challenges. It is, therefore, vital to plan a classroom that can incorporate all these types of students (Rose & Meyer, 2006). In order for educators to create a classroom that incorporates all types of students, it is essential for them to use interactive whiteboards in their classrooms. Interactive whiteboards are specially designed to engage a broad variety of learners in the learning process. Interactive whiteboards support all of the three principles and philosophies of universal learning (Rose & Meyer, 2006). Interactive whiteboards offer teachers or educators numerous ways of presenting information, to their students, using interactive images, text, video files and sound and, hence, engage a wide range of learners. Students or learners can use the same elements of the product to reveal their understanding of the content. To uch-sensitive boards particularly offer numerous options for interacting with displayed content, including finger, pen tool and other object (Rose & Meyer, 2006). Furthermore, interactive whiteboards captivate students of the digital age. This is because interactive whiteboards increase a student’s time and access to digital resources. This technique ensures that students, no matter the duration of the lesson, understand everything that is taught. This is because it offers all the techniques that diverse students use in understanding (Rose & Meyer, 2006). Furthermore, interactive whiteboards will assist students understand matters even better as it used all the techniques of teaching. Question 3 Educators recognize
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Strategic Choice and Evaluation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Strategic Choice and Evaluation Paper - Essay Example The Fast food industry is a very competitive industry in which customer service becomes a focal point. The organization has many strong points that gives them an advantage over their competitors. For example, Chick-Fil-A is known for serving nutritional meals compared to other fast food chains. In addition, it was one of the prime restaurants that came up with the idea to have a â€Å"chicken sandwich.†The founder of the company, Truett Cathy, is very religious and ethics oriented coming from a strong Baptist background [2]. Hence, the company believes in strong Christian and family roots as the restaurant is closed on Sundays. Moreover, the company’s marketing department is fantastic in their advertisements as they often use humor to attract customers [2]. The strategy of the company is to serve nutritious food than its competitors, which becomes the focal point in its quest to compete against other rivals. Another strategy that enables them to be a great fast food ch ain is the fact that that the employees are efficient and attentive to the needs of the customers [1]. Chick-Fil-A employees take pride and pleasure in serving their customers instead of a typical â€Å"Your Welcome†statement. In addition, the employees pride in providing the best services that includes folding napkins in a particular way that pleases the customers [4]. Moreover, the company excels in attracting customers with regular promotions and offering coupons after a big meal. Not only does that keep the customers loyal, it also allows the customer to share these coupons with other acquaintances. Furthermore, Chick-Fil-A excel in reducing its operations time while serving its customers. It prime ability to strive to serve its customers within 90 seconds in a drive-through service is an amazing feat no doubt[1]. With the assistance of smart technology, a timer is often set by the computer screen that tells the employees the progress of the order [1]. This enables the e mployees to be efficient in their time management and at the same time be motivated in their services. Reducing the operation time is the key to being a successful customer oriented business in this booming commerce. Annually, the company evaluates and grades it service by investing more than $1 million in the department. The feedback from customers is received through phone surveys conducted by the company [2]. Each survey consists of twenty questions that evaluate the quality, attentiveness, and the service of its employees. Any other feedback is also welcome from the customers. Again, this is a major step taken by the company to allow itself to gain some leverage against its competitors [3]. Knowing and understanding the customers concerns and feedback is a huge step towards becoming a critical player in the fast food industry through improvement. The company does have many opportunities to expand into the market. Since Chick-Fil-A had healthy sales of around 3127 million last ye ar, the organization does have solid market position. In addition, it continues to use customer service as a reliable tool to attract customers. While the company does have many strong points, one has to acknowledge the fact that having only chicken related items in the menu is detrimental for the business. The customers of today more than ever want choices in everything. Young adults and children are picky eaters and sometimes crave just more than chicken nuggets and fries on a regular basis.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The new meaning of Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The new meaning of Quality - Essay Example If we see the size of operations at Sainsbury's meting these attributes consistently is a big challenge . Over the years the business and organizational environment has increasingly become more and more complex. There has been an explosion in choices, options, opportunities and threats, requirements, data and information through IT systems. Organizations have understood the hidden cost of quality, errors, inventories associated with inefficient supply chain. These factors have led to the emergence of a new discipline of supply chain management. A supply chain is essentially managing the journey of inputs to the outputs along with all the associated activities having impact on cost, speed and quality of the output through the journey. Ganeshan & Harrison in their paper explains how traditionally there has been organizations within organizations, silos of functions / departments, each one having their own characteristic goals, many a time at conflict with the organizational goal, resulting in an inefficient supply chain marked by interface problems. The result of these factors is that there is not a single, integrated plan for the organization. Supply chain addresses these issues effectively. Coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team. Quality begins and ends with customers For any Quality Management System, customer requirement is the input and customer satisfaction is the desired output. The entire quality movement is based on simple but elegant Deming's PDCA cycle. First step in the quality journey is capturing customer requirement followed by design / modification of functions/systems for deployment and continuous improvement of the same through repetitive cycles of feedbacks. The customer experience is captured at Sainsbury's through well-placed mechanisms. Customer Insights group carries out the work of obtaining the true customer requirement by interacting with more than 4000 customers every month which includes obtaining the performance of competitors also in the area of customer satisfaction. Besides the regular channels of obtaining customer perception there is another mechanism to find out customer requirement, which involves trained auditors capturing the customer experiences in the store itself. The practice of interviewing customers in their homes is yet another valuable source of customer expectation determination. The information captured through these mechanisms form the inputs for the Quality Management systems and other operational instruments for delivering the quality products and services to the customers. Supply Chain Transformation at Sainsbury's for improving delivery of quality Sainsbury's had witnessed more than 100 years of successful operations and established itself as market
Monday, September 9, 2019
The life of the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Essay
The life of the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Essay Example Milwaukee has deep personal meaning to me as a home and as a place to visit with my family. I greatly adore Milwaukee known for its aromatic smell of malt in old-fashioned beer. With unique and distinct legacies handed down from generation to generation, it is no wonder that Milwaukee is literally translated as â€Å"the good land†, as it has benefitted me, my family and friends.What really is good about Milwaukee? Being considered home to more than 600,000 residents from diverse cultural and ethnic orientations, Milwaukee has supported diversity in culture from historical times. Although Native American Indians were known to rule the city, Germans were famous as the greatest immigrants, and have significantly influenced local culture through food and architectural edifices, the passage of time coupled with the sheer hospitality of the population encouraged people from Europe, Asia and from Mexico to assimilate into traditional American culture. We get the chance to watch most anticipated games of Milwaukee Brewers. The entire ballpark manifests grandeur and magnificence in the elegant design of the ballpark with a fan-shaped roof that houses four levels of fully packed highly charged and enthusiastic fans. Every game seen from Miller Park is a unique and memorable experience with minute details that are retained in my faculty forever. Sharing each experience with loved ones is a reflection of genuine respect for patronizing Miller Park as it forms part of my personal growth and development.... My family, friends and guests anticipate the end of winter through the melting of the snow in May – signaling the start of an almost five-month fun marathon, celebrating an array of activities ranging from attending musical concerts in beautifully designed stages across the festival grounds. We never miss attending the plethora of performing popular bands while sipping Milwaukee’s famous Schlitz and looking forward to having another serving of fish fry. Enjoying all that good stuff in the company of love ones and friends would never beat this experience. I would only fear that October is fast approaching and the frivolities are about to end. When all the merriment of Summerfest have concluded, I actually have other choices to visit, together with family members and peers in an array of contemporary and rustic works of art from any of the famous museums: the Art Museum in North Art Museum Drive, the Public Museum at West Wells Street, or the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum at Wisconsin Avenue. We all get to enjoy viewing extraordinary and exemplary designs in architectural structures and unconventional forms of arts. The futuristic houses constructed within the Art Museum and covered with a uniquely designed movable wings made to control the lighting and temperature within the building. My special and personal favorite is visiting the Public Museum where spectators never cease to recall the collection of butterflies at the Puelicher Butterfly Wing. Hundreds of beautifully colored butterflies in full splendor spread their intricately designed wings. I had the opportunity to see rare and even exotic species that are not found roaming in
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