Friday, May 31, 2019

Germany Essay -- essays research papers

Germany is the fourth largest country in area inEurope, with a score area of 356,970 squarekilometers (137,827 square miles). The country hasa change terrain that ranges from low-lying coastalflats along the North and Baltic seas, to a centralarea of rolling hills and river valleys, to heavilyforested mountains and snow-covered Alps in thesouth. Germany has a long, complex history and richculture, but it did not become a unified nation until1871. Before that time, Germany had been aconfederacy (1815-1867). The country has a total of 82,071,765 people (1997estimate). Germany is overwhelmingly urban, andmost people lead a prosperous, comfortable lifestyle,with adequate leisure time and comprehensivesocial welfare benefits. Berlin is the capital andlargest city, although Bonn, which was the conditionalcapital of West Germany, is still home to somegovernment offices. The principal language isGerman, and about 70 percent of the people areeither Roman Catholic or Protestant.Germany ha s a very large and modern industrialeconomy and is a leading producer of such productsas iron and steel, autory and machine tools, andautomobiles. Germany is an economic powerhousein the European Union (EU), and its currency, thedeutsche mark (DM), is among the strongest in theworld.Germany ranks as the fourth largest country inEurope, after European Russia (the part of Russiawestern hemisphere of the Ural Mountains), France, and Spain.Germany ...

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